How to learn Arabic For Beginners 8 Easy And Fast Steps

How to learn Arabic Fast Step By Step?

Learning Arabic for beginners is a goal for every non-Arabic Muslim who learns Quran. Taking this step will ease comprehension of the verses and reading Quran in Arabic fluently without a need for translation. When you learn Arabic, it is the first step.

As a non-Arabic Muslim, when you learn Arabic vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, you’ll be able to understand the meaning beyond each verse. It will be easier for you to identify the Tajweed rules and the proper method of reciting the Quran.

It’s noteworthy that nearly %6.6 of people worldwide speak Arabic in over 25 countries. Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages around the world. 

Besides learning Quran, Arabic helps non-Arabic Muslims to communicate with Arabic native speakers, read Islamic history books, and access Arab culture. So, take this stop by following our recommended tips for you.

How to learn Arabic Fast?

Learning Arabic for beginners was never easy. It takes time, patience, endeavor, and consistency to master it. Although Arabic is one of the languages that are hard to learn, some tips ease the process. Here are the recommended tactics for you:

1. Decide your Goal of Learning 

The first step you should take is to define your main goal for learning. Is your purpose for reciting the Quran and understanding its verses? Do you aspire to begin with Islamic studies learning? Do you want to travel and communicate with natives in Arabic? Are you interested in Arabic culture and broadening your knowledge?

Besides determining the learning purpose, you should decide the level you aspire to reach, whether it’s an elementary, intermediate, or advanced level.

2. Determine the Suitable Type of Arabic for You  

Before you start learning, you should know Arabic is divided into three forms. They are:

  • Classical Arabic: It’s the form of the Quran and prophetic narrations language. It’s the most arduous Arabic form.
  • Modern Arabic or Modern Standard Arabic (MSA): This is the formal type that Arabs use in writing, Formal speeches, letters, and TV broadcasting.
  • Colloquial Arabic: It’s the slang form that is commonly used in speaking among Arabs. It differs from one Arab country to another like the Egyptian and the Levantine dialects. This form is the easiest one for beginners.

3. Start with Learning Arabic Alphabet

Once you start to learn Arabic, you should begin with the basics. That means you should get down to Arabic letters. They are the base of learning vocabulary and grammar.

When you learn Arabic, you practice pronouncing and writing each letter. Later you can write and read a word and sentence correctly.

The Arabic language consists of 28 letters that are consonants, except for five letters that are vowels. The way of writing these letters is different from English letters. They are written from right to left. 

4. Learn Arabic through the Arabic Dictionary

Arabic Dictionary is one of the primary keys to learning this language. It’s your guide to understanding the meaning of the words.

Through the dictionary, you manage to differentiate between Arabic verbs and vocabulary. It helps you how to write the word properly. One of the best Arabic dictionaries for beginners is AlMawrid.

You should focus on learning common Arabic words and phrases which Arabs use in their social interactions. 

5. Get a Language Book 

Arabic books are one the best sources of learning Arabic. So, If you’re passionate about reading, you can buy language books that enable you to recognize new words and Arabic grammar.

The best language books that fit beginners are: Arabic for Dummies, Let’s Talk Arabic and Arabic for Nerds.

6. Keep Practicing 

The primary step in learning the Arabic process is rehearsing to improve your reading, writing, and speaking skills.

If you need to know classic Arabic, the best source for you is the Quran. You can practice by listening to a Quran reciter frequently. This step will improve your speaking and listening skills in Arabic.

If you have decided to learn Arabic MSA, You can keep listening to TV, Radio broadcasts and reading blogs, e-newspapers, and magazines.

When it comes to Arabic slang, you can watch Arabic Movies, programs, and TV series with English subtitles that enable you to learn new vocabulary and be more familiar with Colloquial Arabic.

Throughout the learning journey, note down each basic word you hear from natives and write it in a phrase to remember.

You should keep your mind on constant practicing that will guarantee you effective results in mastering the language.

7. Learn How to Speak in Arabic 

It’s known that speaking skill is the most challenging one in learning any language, as you learn how to say the whole sentence by forming its structure.

It’s okay if you mess up when you start to talk. That’s expected for beginners. You will speak confidently with frequent rehearsing.

Speaking with a native speaker is a crucial tip for you as a beginner, as you’ll learn how to pronounce correctly. It will speed up your learning if you’re looking forward to levelling up in Arabic.

You can find native Arabic speakers and speak with them online through websites and Apps such as HelloTalk, Speaky, Bilingua, and HiNative.

8. Use a Language-learning App

Language Apps ease the learning process. They motivate you to keep learning and make it your daily habit.

Language learning Apps include simple and enjoyable to learn Arabic words. Moreover, they test your memory in retaining vocabulary through quizzes.

Here are the recommended language learning Apps:

Can I Learn Arabic Online?

It’s recommended to learn Arabic for beginners online with Arabic native tutors who are highly qualified to assist you with effective learning practices. Check out our list of Arabic tutors that involves male and female instructors.

If you’re looking for the best Arabic courses, we offer on the Bayanulquran academy website various programs that fit all learners’ requirements. 

Through our Arabic courses, you’ll be able to:

  • Learn how to practice Arabic correctly.
  • Learn Arabic conjugations.
  • Learn how to speak Arabic perfectly.

Our Arabic courses are

  • Quranic Arabic courses.
  • Fusha and Modern Standard Arabic.
  • Egyptian Colloquial Arabic.
  • Arabic  Custom Course.

Get to know Arabic courses for further details and start your free trial.

Conclusion – Is learning Arabic Hard?

Learning Arabic for beginners is a challenging step, but following practical tips will ease studying. In the beginning, you should decide on the Arabic form and your main goal for this step. Next, start with the basics.

Many resources will guide you to learn Arabic easily and quickly such as dictionaries, language books, the Quran, blogs, and Apps.

Learning Arabic will be effective in all skills with constant practicing, precisely with a tutor who helps you reach your goal.

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