Learn Classical Arabic Online - Full Guide

What is Classical Arabic? And How To Learn Classical Arabic?

Learn Classical Arabic is the same as Literary Arabic, Quranic Arabic, and Pre-Modern Arabic which are the exact names. Classical Arabic is the old and original version of ِthe Arabic language. This form is linked directly to Islam. It has a high turnout of Muslims who aspire to be proficient at learning the Quran and Islamic studies.

Arabic is the official language of 22 Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Over 300 million Arabic speak it in formal and informal communications, whether they are visual or written.

The United Nations classified it as one of the official languages besides Chinese, French, Spanish, English, and Russian.

The Arabic language’s origins go back to the Arabian Peninsula. It belongs to the Semitic languages.

It’s divided into three forms: Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, and Colloquial Arabic. In this article, we will walk you through the oldest form of this language.

What is Classical Arabic?

Classic Arabic is the original and official form of religious writing in Islam. It’s the type you find in written Quranic texts and prophetic narrations. 

The roots of classical Arabic go back to Arab tribes who speak medieval dialects. It features symbols that only are demonstrated in the pronunciation of Quranic texts.

Quran’s reciters use it to read the Quran properly. These symbols are the rules called “Tajweed”.

Classical Arabic is popular among Arab Muslims who are interested in learning the Quran online and Islamic studies in Academic centers, Islamic institutions, mosques, and schools. 

The history of Classical Arabic goes back to the 6th century, at the time of the Quran’s revelation.

This original version of Arabic is also the language of old literature. Old poets used it commonly in the Jahilyya period which is the age of Pre-Islam advent.

Why learn Classical Arabic?

As a non-Arabic Muslim, learning Classical Arabic is beneficial to you due to the following advantages:

  • Classical Arabic aid you to recite Quran with Tajweed correctly.
  • You manage to comprehend the verse’s meanings and Quranic Arabic words.
  • With Classical Arabic, you can grasp prophetic biography (Seerah).
  • Learning Classical Arabic is the key to studying Islamic studies such as Fiqh and Aqeedah.
  • After learning Classical Arabic, you’ll attain the rightful grammar of the language.
  • You can access Islamic history.
  • You can be proficient at reading old poems.

Modern Standard Arabic VS Classical Arabic

Standard Arabic and Classical Arabic are the official versions of this language. But you can differentiate between them through the following differences:

Modern Standard Arabic

  • Modern Standard Arabic is the contemporary form that Arabs use in official writing and speaking.
  • Mastering Modern Standard Arabic is the goal that learners need to achieve to know how to write, read, and speak officially.
  • Modern Standard Arabic fits those who desire to work in Arab countries.
  • Modern Standard Arabic is simpler than Classic Arabic as it contains contemporary words.

Classical Arabic 

  • Classical Arabic is the form that is widespread in Quran and old literature.
  • Learning Classical Arabic is the perfect choice for those who want to deepen their understanding of the Quran and teach it to others.
  • Classical Arabic guides learners to understand old poems accurately and deeply.
  • Classical Arabic is the hardest form of this language, as it includes lots of complicated words related to old times.

How Long does it take to learn Classical Arabic?

The learning period relies on your commitment to working hard, as you’ll learn faster if you allocate a specific and regular time for this language.

The time that you spend mastering Classical Arabic exceeds 80 weeks. It’s up to 2000 hours. This estimated time for constant learning ranges from 2 to 3 years.

It’s noteworthy that the Classical Arabic learning process is full of challenges as you learn the most difficult language type. So take into consideration that perfect Quranic Arabic needs much patience and endeavor.

How to learn Classical Arabic?

Now it’s obvious to you why you need to learn Classical Arabic. So you can identify how to learn it. Here are practical tips for mastering it:

1. Start learning the Arabic Alphabet

If you haven’t learned Modern Standard Arabic yet, you should get down to the Alphabet to retain the 28-letter, know how to write them correctly, and acknowledge their sounds to manage to pronounce them. This tip is the first step you should take in the journey of Arabic basics.

2. Take Enough Time to Learning 

One of the tips you should follow is to devote enough time to learning and don’t be in hurry. Mastering a new language doesn’t happen in a blink of an eye.

So, put a plan that contains constant and regular times for learning. Remember, you shorten the journey if learning this language happens daily or most weekdays.

3. Join an Online Course

If you start learning Classical Arabic alone, you’re more likely to pause your journey due to linguistic challenges. 

So the best decision for you as a beginner is to learn with an Arabic tutor who helps you know the proper writing, reading, and speaking and corrects your mistakes that inevitably happen in the classes.

You can learn with the best-certified instructors by attending online classes that enable you to get a deep and accurate understanding of complicated texts.

Also, you’ll build a solid knowledge of this language. You can achieve these goals through Arabic Course on Bayan Al Quran Academy website.

Arabic courses give you a guide that eases learning grammar such as rules of verbs, conjugations, personal pronouns, and possessive pronouns. 

Moreover, you’ll manage to comprehend the meaning beyond verses in the Quran, understand easily Islamic studies, and get real experience in speaking Arabic through discussing with your instructor.

4. Practice Arabic 

Your efforts in learning will be useless if you don’t keep practicing. You have the Quran as the major source of Classical Arabic to sharpen your skills.

You can practice reading the Quran, keep listening to the reciters, and try to write verses with diacritics, so you can level up your linguistic skills.

5. Keep a Dictionary with You 

As Classical Arabic is full of complicated words, you always need to get their meanings to understand different phrases while reading texts. Also, you can note down new words to retain them for practice.

Where to Learn Classical Arabic?

If your purpose of mastering Classical Arabic is learning Quran recitation with Tajweed, you can achieve this goal through major mosques in your country that offer Quran lessons. Or You can Join Online Quran and Arabic classes with reputable academics.

Learning at mosques will fit you if you’re among learners who prefer face-to-face interaction.

You’ll attain the correct pronunciation of letters with Tajweed. So you can recite the verses fluently. When hard go to the online learning with native Arabic tutors.

Best Resource to learn Classical Arabic Online

If you desire to support learning Classical Arabic with Online resources to boost your skills, check out our recommended list:

Best Books to Learn Classical Arabic

Books are one of the best sources for learning for beginners, intermediate, or even advanced learners as they mainly focus on mastering reading skills. Here are the top online books:

Final Thoughts

Classical Arabic is known as Quranic Arabic as it is the form of written verses in the Quran. It’s the oldest type of language and the official version of Modern Standard Arabic but more complicated than it.

Learning Classical Arabic requires enough time, patience, and constant practice. It will be easier if you join online classes with a top instructor who provides you with an effective plan, recommended resources, and real-life conversation.

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