How to Learn Arabic for the Quran? A Comprehensive Guide

How to Learn Arabic for the Quran? A Comprehensive Guide For Quranic Arabic Learning

Learning Arabic for the Quran is essential in learning how to recite the Quran properly and in understanding its messages deeply. For many non-Arabs, new Muslims, learning Quranic Arabic is definitely the first step to take in their Qur’an-learning journey, as Qur’an- Allah’s Word, and the root of all Islam- is originally revealed in Arabic.

What Is the Quranic Arabic?

Simply, the ‘Quranic Arabic’ is that Arabic style in which Qur’an was originally sent down. It is so unique, deep, and eloquent that Allah Almighty selected it specially to talk to His servants, as a constant mercy and guidance for them, through His Words.

Undoubtedly, the Quranic Arabic is so honorable and high, that it represents Allah’s Holy Book.  It is so subtle, genuine, and profound that it encompasses the Qur’an’s diverse meanings, wisdom, beauty, insight, knowledge, imagination, eloquence, clarity, and harmony.

What is Quranic Arabic learning?

Quranic Arabic learning refers to the study of the Arabic language as it is used in the Quran. This involves understanding the vocabulary, grammar, and stylistic features unique to the Quranic text. 

Unlike Modern Standard Arabic or colloquial dialects, Quranic Arabic has specific linguistic nuances that are essential for comprehending the meanings and subtleties of the Quran. 

Is Quranic Arabic different from ordinary Arabic?

There is a difference, for sure, especially about the eloquent, certain terms, and the distinguished style of the Qur’anic Arabic; generally, the Qur’anic Arabic can be called that ‘classical, prestigious’ Arabic used mainly in Qur’an, and the other classical, rhetoric, noble Arabic literature.

On the other hand, the modern standard Arabic- or the Arabic used nowadays- has been changed a little, over time, adding different, ‘modern’ terms fitting to our every-day usage.  It is widely used in media, with all its kinds, and in the Arab communities.

Still, both have so much in common; once learning one of them, you can easily learn the other. Yet, you can decide which to learn first, according to what you need; if you are up to learn Qur’an, along with the Islamic heritage, of course, you should learn the Quranic Arabic, and if you are up to visit or communicate with the Arab culture, nowadays, you should learn the modern standard Arabic.

What Is the Importance of Quranic Arabic?

The importance of Quranic Arabic is multifaceted, encompassing religious, linguistic, and cultural dimensions. Here are several key points highlighting its significance:

1- Understanding the Quran: 

Quranic Arabic is essential for understanding the Quran’s original message. The depth and nuances of the Quran can be fully appreciated only by studying it in its original language, as translations often cannot capture the exact meanings and subtleties.

2- Preservation of the Text: 

Learning Quranic Arabic helps preserve the authenticity and integrity of the Quran. It ensures that the sacred text is recited, memorized, and understood as it was revealed over 1,400 years ago.

3- Spiritual Connection: 

For Muslims, reciting the Quran in its original Arabic fosters a stronger spiritual connection. The act of recitation itself is a form of worship, and understanding the language enhances this spiritual experience.

4- Tajweed and Recitation: 

Quranic Arabic learning includes the rules of Tajweed, which govern the proper pronunciation and articulation of Quranic verses. This is crucial for correct recitation, which is an important aspect of Islamic practice.

5- Cultural and Historical Insight: 

Studying Quranic Arabic provides insights into the historical and cultural context of the Arabian Peninsula during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. It helps learners appreciate the rich literary and rhetorical traditions of the Quran.

6- Enhanced Religious Knowledge: 

A deep understanding of Quranic Arabic allows for a more profound comprehension of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), theology (aqeedah), and other religious sciences derived from the Quran.

7- Improving Modern Standard Arabic: 

Since Quranic Arabic forms the basis of Modern Standard Arabic, learning it can significantly improve one’s proficiency in contemporary Arabic, which is used in formal communication, literature, and media across the Arab world.

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How to Learn Arabic for the Quran?

As said, Quranic Arabic is that utilized in Qur’an, and people learning that style, their main target is to understand and learn Qur’an, Sunnah, and the needed, alike Islamic knowledge. 

So, ‘language-immersion’ is the most successful way to get familiar and used to the target-language, and learn it quickly, and effectively. 

1. Foundational Knowledge:

Start with learning the Arabic alphabet and how to read and write Arabic script. This is the foundation of all further study. Build a basic vocabulary of common Quranic words and phrases. Many Quranic words are repeated frequently, so mastering these will aid in comprehension.

2. Grammar and Syntax:

Study the grammar rules specific to Quranic Arabic, which include verb conjugations, noun cases, and sentence structure. Learn the patterns of root words and how they change to form different meanings. This will help in understanding the nuances of Quranic text.

3. Tajweed (Pronunciation):

Learn the rules of Tajweed to ensure correct pronunciation and recitation of the Quran. This includes the articulation points of letters and the rules of elongation, pauses, and emphases.

4. Translation and Tafsir:

Study reputable translations of the Quran to understand the meanings of verses. However, always cross-reference with the original Arabic text to see how meanings are derived.

Read Tafsir to gain deeper insights into the context, interpretations, and explanations of Quranic verses. This helps in understanding the underlying messages and themes.

5. Memorization:

Begin by memorizing short Surahs (chapters) to get accustomed to the language and structure of Quranic verses. Regularly review and repeat memorized verses to retain them in long-term memory.

6. Study Resources:

Use textbooks specifically designed for learning Quranic Arabic. Enroll in online courses or use apps dedicated to Quranic Arabic learning, such as Bayyinah TV, Quranic, and Duolingo.

7. Practice and Immersion:

Practice with language partners or join study groups to enhance your learning through discussion and mutual support. Read Quranic text regularly and try to understand without translation, gradually increasing your comprehension skills.

8. Consistent Effort:

Dedicate a specific amount of time daily or weekly to study Quranic Arabic. Consistency is key to making steady progress. Learn under the guidance of knowledgeable teachers or scholars who can provide personalized feedback and support.

How to Read Quranic Arabic for Beginners?

Beginner learners who need to quickly read Quranic Arabic to be able to read the Quran may need to follow a series of instructions that will make reading Quranic Arabic so much easier, as well as help them with their Arabic studies:

1. Learn the Arabic Sounds:

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the unique sounds of the Arabic language. Some sounds, like the deep guttural “ع” (‘Ayn) and the emphatic “ض” (Dhad), do not exist in English and require practice to pronounce correctly.

Listen to native speakers and Quranic recitations to get accustomed to the sounds. Mimic the sounds as closely as possible to develop accurate pronunciation.

2. Study the Arabic Alphabet:

Start with the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet. Each letter has a unique sound and shape. Practice saying the letters aloud while looking at their written forms.

Use transliteration (the practice of writing Arabic sounds using the Latin alphabet) as a temporary aid. For example, the letter “ب” can be transliterated as “b”, and “د” as “d”. This helps in associating the sounds with their Arabic symbols.

3. Practice Reading Arabic Words:

Learn the short vowels (fatha, kasra, damma) and other diacritical marks (sukoon, shadda, tanween) that guide pronunciation. These marks are placed above or below the letters and are crucial for reading Quranic Arabic correctly.

Start reading simple, two- or three-letter words. Understand how vowels and diacritics affect the pronunciation of these words. For example, “بَتَ” (ba-ta) and “بِتِ” (bi-ti) differ in vowel sounds.

4. Connecting Letters:

Arabic letters change their shapes based on their position in a word (initial, medial, final, and isolated forms). For example, the letter “ب” (ba) looks different when it appears at the beginning (بـ), in the middle (ـبـ), and at the end (ـب) of a word.

Practice writing words by connecting letters in their various forms. This helps in recognizing and reading connected letters in Quranic verses.

5. Transliteration for Practice:

Use transliteration as a support tool to bridge the gap between unfamiliar Arabic script and familiar sounds. For instance, “الحمد لله” can be transliterated as “Alhamdulillah”.

Gradually reduce reliance on transliteration as you become more comfortable with the Arabic script. This will help in developing direct reading skills in Arabic.

How to learn Quranic Arabic by yourself?

Learning Quranic Arabic by yourself can be a lot of fun, as you get to employ the techniques that entertain you and work for you:

1- Commit yourself to be attentive to the most repetitive words mentioned in Qur’an, by daily reading.

2- Listen to Quranic recitations every day. Select a well-versed, known Sheikhs reciting the Qur’an correctly. 

3- Write down the new Quranic words you have learnt, add more, one by one, and keep revising them, and even discuss their meanings, and pronunciations, with an Arab-fellow, or Arabic-learner; that will fix them in your mind.

4- Pay great attention to the Arabic grammar, and watch many online lessons for more clarification and practical examples.

5- Utilize Arabic-learning apps, like ‘Ling’, as such apps help you learn Arabic, step by step, in a fun, exciting, and interactive way.

6- Keep in touch with Arab-fellows, to consistently practice your acquired language-skills with them, and they will help you with the difficulties you may face. 

What Is ‘the Grammar of the Quranic Arabic’? 

Grammar of the Qur’anic Arabic is the classical grammar needed to understand the correct formation of the Arabic language, on the fundamental levels of the word, phrase, sentence, and context. Understanding the grammar properly is like when you can put the puzzle-parts together right, to see the full picture, then!

In grammar, for example, you learn the prepositions, the adverbs, and the sentence-parts like subject, object, etc. Of course, missing up with grammar directly leads to a missed-up meaning, in turn, and that is grave, definitely, when we misunderstand Allah’s message to us, Qur’an! 

How to Learn Quranic Arabic Grammar?

Learning Quranic Arabic grammar involves a systematic approach to understanding the structure and rules of the language as used in the Quran. Here are the steps to effectively learn Quranic Arabic grammar:

1. Basic Grammar Concepts:

Start with learning the different types of nouns (اسم) and pronouns (ضمير). Understand their cases (nominative, accusative, genitive) and how they change form based on their function in a sentence.

Study the verb forms (الفعل) and their conjugations. Focus on the past tense (الماضي), present tense (المضارع), and imperative forms (الأمر). Learn the root system of verbs and how different patterns (باب) affect their meanings.

2. Sentence Structure:

Begin with nominal sentences (الجملة الاسمية) that start with a noun or pronoun. Understand the roles of the subject (المبتدأ) and predicate (الخبر).

Move on to verbal sentences (الجملة الفعلية) that start with a verb. Learn how to identify the subject (فاعل) and object (مفعول به).

3. Grammar Rules Specific to the Quran:

Learn grammar rules that are specific to Quranic Arabic. Study how syntax (نحو) and morphology (صرف) are applied in the Quran. This includes understanding the structure of phrases and how words change form.

4. Practice with Quranic Texts:

Use examples directly from the Quran to see how grammar rules are applied. Analyze verses to understand the grammatical structures used. Use grammar books that focus on Quranic Arabic.

5. Interactive Learning:

Enroll in online courses or use apps that offer interactive lessons on Quranic Arabic grammar. Platforms like Bayyinah TV and Quranic provide structured grammar lessons. Join study groups or classes where you can practice and discuss grammar rules with peers and instructors.

How to Learn Arabic from the Quran?

Learning Arabic from the Quran involves using the Quran as your primary text to understand and acquire the language. Here’s how you can approach this:

1. Familiarization with the Text:

Start reading the Quran regularly, even if you do not understand it fully. This helps you become familiar with the script and the flow of the language. Listen to Quranic recitations and try to repeat after the reciter. This will improve your pronunciation and help you internalize common phrases and expressions.

2. Vocabulary Building:

Identify and memorize common words and phrases that appear frequently in the Quran. Use vocabulary lists and flashcards to aid memorization. Learn vocabulary in context by studying how words are used in different verses. This helps in understanding the meanings and nuances of words.

3. Understanding Meanings:

Use reputable translations and Tafsir (exegesis) to understand the meanings of verses. Compare the Arabic text with translations to see how meanings are derived. Engage in word-by-word study of Quranic verses. This method breaks down each word and explains its grammatical role and meaning.

4. Grammar and Syntax:

Apply the grammar rules you have learned to the Quranic text. Analyze sentences to identify their grammatical components and understand their structure. Practice parsing Quranic sentences to understand their syntax. This involves identifying subjects, verbs, objects, and other grammatical elements.

Most Repeated Arabic Words in Qur’an:

As previously said, understanding the Arabic language is based on both sides: understanding its vocabulary, along with its grammar. Keep in mind that learning the language-vocabulary is always the first step to take, and what actually helps you to break the ice in any small, starting conversation, making you feel familiar, then. 

Likewise, knowing the most-repeated words mentioned in Qur’an will enable you to have a proper understanding of Qur’an, as overall; along with their different contexts, those words have a fixed meaning; let’s mention some:

Allah اللهThe Only, One God worthy to worship, The Lord of the Worlds, The Creator.
Shaytan الشيطان, Iblees ابليسSatan, The Devil.
Muslim مسلمWhoever embraces Islam sincerely, and wholeheartedly submits to Allah.
Mu’men مؤمنThe believer of Allah
Kafer كافرThe disbeliever of Allah
Mushrik مشركThe polytheist, associating others in worship, with Allah, The Only God.
Rabb ربThe Lord, referring to Allah.
Sirat Mustaqeem صراط مستقيمThe right path (of Allah’s guidance).
Dhalleen ضالينThe misguided, the astray (away from Allah’s right path)
Kettab كتابBook (mostly referring to Allah’s Book, Qur’an)
Ayah آيةVerse, the single unit of Qur’an, and sometimes, means ‘ a sign of Allah’.
Sabeel سبيل Way; and mostly, referring to Allah’s Way, and for His Sake.
Al-latheen Amano الذين آمنواThose who have believed of Allah.
Haqq حقThe truth, the true.
Qala قالsaid
Jannat جناتThe Paradise, the Heavens.
Jahanam – جهنم Narr النارThe Hellfire
Rasool رسول- Rasool Al-Allah رسول اللهProphet- Allah’s prophet: Muhammed  
Salat صلاةThe prayer, and sometimes meaning ‘ mercy from Allah’.
Subhana Allah  سبحان الله Glory to Allah, beyond all.
Nafs نفسThe man’s soul.
Dhanb ذنبMisdeed.
Ghafoor غفورSo forgiving- referring to Allah Almighty.
Al-Hayatu Ad-Dunia الحياة الدنيا The worldly life.
Adhabb عذابPunishment.
Akherah آخرةThe Hereafter. 

How Long Does It Take to learn Quranic Arabic to Understand Qur’an?

As we all know, the timeline of any learning-process varies from one to another, according to how deep the knowledge acquired, the time-dedicated for learning, the individual learning-pace, and background, etc.

Still, for non-Arabs, learning the Qura’nic Arabic can take from 6 months to 2-3 years! For sure, everyone’s learning-factors determine the time needed for his learning-journey, and also, whether he is learning Arabic, totally by himself, or through an Arabic-learning, trusted academy, with already-set, firm schedule, with a comprehensive, learning plan, and knowledgeable, guiding, Arabic-native teachers.

Still, always remember the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” So, it is never too late to take this first step!

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Learn Arabic Online With Bayan al-Quran Native Arab Tutors:

Embark on a transformative journey of Arabic learning with Bayan Al-Quran’s comprehensive online Arabic courses. Our platform offers an authentic and immersive experience tailored to learners worldwide. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking to enhance your skills, our Tajweed courses provide expert guidance and structured learning to master Arabic learning.

🎓 Expert Guidance:

Benefit from experienced instructors who specialize in Arabic, breaking down complex rules into manageable segments for learners of all levels.

✨ Key Features:

  • Structured, step-by-step learning approach.
  • Access to high-quality instructional materials.
  • Real-time feedback from qualified tutors to enhance your practice.
  • Flexible learning schedules to accommodate your pace and convenience.
  • Immerse yourself in the melodious tones of Quranic recitation, enriching your spiritual experience.

🌟 Why Choose Bayan Al-Quran?

Join our vibrant community dedicated to perfecting Arabic learning. Choose Bayan Al-Quran for a transformative learning experience and embark on a path to mastering Arabic with confidence.

Learn with Bayan al-Quran with Native Arab tutors. There are also several courses that can help you in this regard.


Learning Arabic for the Quran involves understanding Quranic Arabic, a unique, eloquent language style used in the Quran. Quranic Arabic differs from Modern Standard Arabic in its vocabulary, grammar, and stylistic features, making it essential for fully grasping the Quran’s meanings.

To learn Quranic Arabic, start with the Arabic alphabet, build vocabulary, study grammar, and practice pronunciation (Tajweed). Engage with translations and Tafsir for deeper comprehension.

Consistent practice and immersion, using resources like textbooks, online courses, and apps, enhance learning. Mastering Quranic Arabic allows for a profound understanding of the Quran and enriches one’s spiritual and cultural knowledge.

Learning Quranic Arabic is a pivotal step towards studying and learning the Quran, and there are various techniques and methods of learning that would suit all different types of learners, in different situations.

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