Meem Saakin in Tajweed (Meem Sakinah) Meaning, Rules, and Examples in the Quran

Meem Saakin in Tajweed (Meem Sakinah): Meaning, Rules, and Examples in the Quran

In this blog post, we will delve into Meem Saakinah and explore its rules, examples in the Quran, and how to practice it effectively. Meem Saakinah, also known as the silent meem, is an essential aspect of Tajweed that holds significance in accurately reciting the Quran. 

Understanding Meem Saakinah Rules in Tajweed is crucial for every student of the Quran to master proper pronunciation and enhance their connection with the divine words. So let’s embark on this journey of beautiful recitation together!

What is Meem Saakinah in Tajweed?

In Tajweed, Meem Saakinah refers to a specific pronunciation rule that applies to the letter “Meem” (م) when it appears with a sukoon (a small circle above it) while stopping or continuing.

Meem Saakinah is a meem that does not carry any of the three vowels (fatha, kasra, or damma) and is pronounced with a closed mouth, specifically the lips closed on top of each other.

1. Definition of Sakinah in Tajweed:

Sakinah generally means in Arabic a person, thing, etc. that remains at rest without movement. In Tajweed, Sakinah refers to a specific context of the meem letter where it is stationary and does not have a harakah (vowel) on it.

2. Exclusions from Meem Sakinah:

Not all instances of meem fall under the category of Meem Sakinah. There are certain cases that are excluded from this rule. These cases include:

A. Meem with a vowel or harakah

Meem with a vowel or harakah, such as in the word “المُوقَدَة”. In this case, the meem carries a vowel or harakah, which makes it ineligible for being classified as Meem Sakinah.

B. Meem with shaddah

Meem with shaddah, for example, in the name “مُحَمَّدٌ”. When a meem is accompanied by a shaddah, indicating the doubling of the letter, it does not fall under the category of Meem Sakinah.

C. Meem Mutaharrikah

Meem that becomes mutaharrik (moving) only to avoid two successive sukoon, as in the phrase “تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهمُ الأَنْهَار”. In this case, the meem temporarily moves in pronunciation to avoid two consecutive sukoon, and therefore it is not considered Meem Sakinah.

3. Conditions for Meem Sakinah:

In order to properly apply the rules of Meem Sakinah, it is important to understand the specific conditions in which these rules are applicable. These conditions include:

A. Meem appearing in the middle or at the end of words: 

Meem Sakinah rules come into play when the meem is found in the middle or at the end of a word. This can be observed in various instances within the Arabic language.

B. Meem in verbs, nouns, or particles: 

The rules of Meem Sakinah are relevant in different parts of speech, including verbs, nouns, and particles. It is important to recognize and apply these rules when encountering meem in any of these linguistic categories.

C. Meem indicating plural form: 

Another condition where the rules of Meem Sakinah are applicable is when the meem signifies the plural form of a word. This can be seen in phrases such as “لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِين”, where the meem is used to indicate plurality.

Knowing the Best 8 Books of Tajweed in English provides a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to improve their recitation of the Quran.

Rules of Meem Saakinah in Tajweed

The rules of Meem Saakinah are essential to understand for proper recitation of the Quran. Let’s dive into the different types of rules associated with Meem Saakinah:

1. Ikhfaa Shafawi

In the Ikhfaa Shafawi rule, known as Ikhfaa Shafawi, the Meem Saakinah is hidden and pronounced between Izhar and Idgham.

Ikhfaa Shafawi occurs when the “Meem Saakinah” is followed by the letter “Baa” and is found between two words. The term “Shafawi” comes from the word for lips (Shafa) since both Meem and Baa are articulated using the lips.

Example of Ikhfaa Shafawi in the Quran

Allah Almighty Said: “وَمَا صَاحِبُكُم بِمَجْنُون” (And your companion is not mad)

When reciting this verse, the Meem Saakinah in the word “صَاحِبُكُم” is hidden and pronounced between Izhar and Idgham, blending into the following letter ب in the word “بِمَجْنُون” without doubling its sound. There is a Ghunnah on the Meem, which adds a nasal sound while pronouncing it.

By understanding and applying Ikhfaa Shafawi correctly, learners of Tajweed can enhance their recitation skills and adhere to the proper pronunciation of the Meem Saakinah.

2. Idgham Shafawi

The rule of Idgham Shafawi in Tajweed refers to the merging or joining of labial sounds. It applies when different words appear after the letter Meem. 

In the Idgham Shafawi rule, a non-voweled Meem is merged into a voweled Meem, resulting in a stressed Meem (Meem with Shaddah). It is important to note that this rule specifically applies to the letter Meem.

Example of Idgham Shafawi in the Quran

Allah Almighty Said: “أَلَا يَظُنُّ أُولَئِكَ أَنَّهُم مُّبْعُوثُون” (Do they not think that they will be resurrected?). 

In this example, the Meem Saakinah in the word “أَنَّهُم” is merged into the following Meem in the word “مُّبْعُوثُون” and pronounced as a single stressed Meem. 

The merging of the two Meems eliminates the break between them, resulting in a smooth and continuous pronunciation. 

Idgham Shafawi rule is also known as Idgham Mithlain Sagheer since one of the two letters involved is silent while the other carries a vowel.

Application of Idgham Shafawi

By correctly applying the rule of Idgham Shafawi, reciters of the Quran can maintain a proper flow and unity of sound when encountering a Meem Saakinah followed by another Meem.

Idgham Shafawi contributes to the beauty and melodiousness of the recitation while adhering to the principles of Tajweed, along with another 11 types of Idgham with examples from the Quran.

3. Izhaar Shafawi:

Izhaar Shafawi is one of the three rules of Meem Saakinah in Tajweed. It is a rule that dictates that the Meem Saakinah is pronounced clearly without hiding or merging it into the following letter.

Izhaar Shafawi rule applies when the Meem Saakinah is followed by any other letter except for the letters ب (baa) and م (meem). Izhaar Shafawi can occur within one word or between two words.

Example of Izhaar Shafawi in the Quran

For example, let’s consider the phrase “عَلَيْهِمْ نَارٌ مّؤْصَدَة” (Fire will be closed in over them).

In this phrase, the letter Meem with a Sukoon in the word “عَلَيْهِمْ” is followed by the letter ن (noon) in the word “نَارٌ”.

According to the rule of Izhaar Shafawi, the Meem with a Sukoon should be pronounced clearly without any merging or hiding. 

Therefore, when reciting this phrase, the pronunciation of the Meem with a Sukoon should be distinct and clear.

Importance for Izhar Shafawi

Izhaar Shafawi is an important rule in Tajweed as it helps maintain proper pronunciation and clarity in reciting the Quran.

By applying this rule correctly, the reader ensures that each letter is enunciated correctly, allowing for a better understanding and appreciation of the words of Allah.

Learning the difference between Ikhfa, Idgham, Izhar, and Iqlab in Tajweed is crucial for accurately reciting the Quran and avoiding errors that could alter the meaning of the sacred text.

What are the steps for identifying the Meem Saakinah rule in Tajweed?

Practicing the rules of Meem Saakinah is essential for achieving proper pronunciation and clarity when reciting the Quran. By following these steps, readers can enhance their Tajweed skills and effectively convey the words of Allah.

1. Identify the Meem Saakinah:

– Look for the letter Meem (م) with a Sukoon sign on it.

– Remember that the Meem Saakinah can occur at the end of a word or in the middle of a word before another letter.

2. Determine the following letter:

– Identify the letter that comes after the Meem Saakinah.

– Take note that the following letter should not be ب (baa) or م (meem) for the specific rule (Izhaar Shafawi) we are practicing.

3. Apply the appropriate rule:

– If the following letter is not ب or م, apply the rule of Izhaar Shafawi.

– Pronounce the Meem Saakinah clearly without hiding or merging it into the following letter.

4. Practice with examples:

– Recite Quranic verses or phrases that contain Meem Saakinah followed by different letters.

– Focus on pronouncing the Meem Saakinah distinctly, following the specific rule (Izhaar Shafawi).

5. Seek guidance and feedback:

– Consult a knowledgeable teacher or utilize learning resources to verify your pronunciation.

– Receive feedback on your recitation to ensure you are applying the rules correctly.

By following these steps and consistently practicing the rules of Meem Saakinah, learners can improve their Tajweed skills and convey the beauty and meaning of the Quran accurately.

Mastering Quranic Basics Made Fun and Easy: Enroll in the Leading Noorani Qaida Course for Kids at Bayan Al-Quran Academy

Bayan Al-Quran Academy offers the best Noorani Qaida course for kids, providing high-quality Islamic education tailored to young learners. The course focuses on developing a strong foundation in Tajweed and Quranic recitation.

Starting with the basics, children are introduced to the Arabic alphabet and correct pronunciation through interactive lessons and engaging activities. Experienced teachers with expertise in Tajweed rules, including Meem Saakinah, employ effective teaching techniques designed for children’s learning needs.

The Noorani Qaida course covers important Tajweed rules and provides ample opportunities for practical application. By enrolling your child in this course at Bayan Al-Quran Academy, you can ensure they receive qualified guidance for educational growth and excel in becoming proficient readers of the Quran.


Understanding the rules of Meem Saakinah is vital for proper recitation of the Quran. By following these rules, we can ensure that we are correctly pronouncing and articulating the letter Meem with all its variations.

The examples provided in this article demonstrate how Meem Saakinah appears in various words within the Quran. Additionally, practicing Meem Saakinah through recitation will help to solidify our understanding and application of these rules.

If you or your child are interested in learning more about Tajweed and mastering the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters, consider enrolling in the Best Noorani Qaida Course for Kids at Bayan Al-Quran Academy. Start your journey toward becoming a proficient Quran reciter today!

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