Ikfaa Shafawi Definition, Letters, and Examples of Ikhfa Shafawi in the Quran

Ikhfaa Shafawi: Definition, Letters, and Examples of Ikhfa Shafawi in the Quran

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about Ikhfaa Shafawi – from its definition and characteristics to examples found in the Quran.

Whether you are a student of Arabic or simply have an interest in understanding the intricacies of Tajweed, this article will provide valuable insights into this important concept.

What is Ikhfaa Shafawi?

Ikhfaa Shafawi is a Tajweed rule in Quranic recitation that involves concealing the sound of Meem Sakinah (ْم) while retaining the nasal sound (ghunnah) when it is followed by the letter Baa’ (ب). 

Instead of pronouncing the Meem Sakinah clearly, it is pronounced with a blend of a clear sound (Izh-har) and a merging of sounds (Idgham), without doubling the sound. This rule ensures a smooth and seamless recitation of the Quran

The Ghunnah of Ikhfaa Shafawi

Ikhfaa, in general, refers to making a letter sound either silent or partially silent during pronunciation, serving as a middle ground between the rules of Izh-har and Idgham. 

Specifically, Ikhfaa Shafawi applies to Meem Sakinah followed by the letter Baa’. It requires hiding the Meem Sakinah and maintaining the Ghunnah for approximately two seconds. 

The ghunnah of Ikhfaa Shafawi is similar to the ghunnah of Iqalb. It is important to note that Al-Ikhfa Ash-Shafawi occurs only when the Meem Sakinah is between two words.

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Ikhfa Shafawi Letters

The Ikhfaa Shafawi rule in Tajweed involves two specific letters: the letter Baa (ب) and the letter Meem (م). These letters are known as the Ikhfaa Shafawi letters. Mastering Ikhfa Shafawi requires precision and practice.

Those learning Tajweed must understand when and how to correctly pronounce these letters. This enhances their ability to recite the Quran fluently and harmoniously.

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How Do We Pronounce Ikhfaa Shafawi?

To correctly pronounce Ikhfaa Shafawi, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the specific rules and techniques involved. To achieve this pronunciation, four essential steps must be followed:

1. To correctly pronounce Ikhfaa Shafawi, it is important to avoid placing the tongue near the point of articulation of the front teeth.

2. Instead, the tongue should be slightly moved away from the front teeth while pronouncing Ikhfaa Shafawi.

3. This means that the tongue should not touch or come close to the front teeth during the pronunciation.

4. By keeping a slight distance between the tongue and the front teeth, the correct articulation of Ikhfaa Shafawi can be achieved.

This technique helps ensure the proper execution of the rule and maintains the integrity of the Tajweed recitation.

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What Makes The Ikhfaa Shafawi?

Ikhfaa Shafawi occurs when Meem Sakinah (مْ) is followed by the letter Baa’ (ب). When this combination happens, the reciter of the Holy Quran should fulfill Ghunnah (nasal sound) for two seconds.

However, scholars and reciters have different opinions on how to properly fulfill this Ghunnah. Some believe that the reciter should keep their mouth slightly open while pronouncing Meem Sakinah, ensuring that the lips do not touch each other.

On the other hand, some scholars suggest closing the mouth and having the lips touch each other, similar to the rule of Iqlaab. As a result, we often find Holy Quran reciters applying both the rules of Ikhfaa Shafawi and Iqlaab using similar or different techniques.

Ikhfa Shafawi Examples in the Quran

To recite the Quran with Tajweed and maintain its rhythm and melody, it’s important to understand Ikhfa Shafawi. Here are some examples from the Holy Quran:

1. The First Example:

The first example of Ikhfa Shafawi in the Quran involves the letter Meem Sakinah followed by the letter ب (ba) in the words تَرْمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍ (tar’meehim bihijaratin).

2. The Second Example:

Another example of Ikhfa Shafawi can be found in the Quran with the letter Meem (م) followed by the letter ب (ba) in the words أَنبَأَهُم بِأَسْمَائِهِمْ (anaba’ahum bi-asmaihim).

3. The Third Example:

The phrase عَلَيْهِمْ بِمُصَيْطِرٍ (alayhim bimusaytirin) also demonstrates Ikhfa Shafawi, where the letter Meem is followed by the letter ب.

Always make sure to learn from qualified teachers or academies, such as Bayan Al-Quran Academy, to receive accurate guidance on Tajweed.

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Difference Between Ikhfa Shafawi and Idgham Shafawi

In summary, the main difference between Ikhfa Shafawi and Idgham Shafawi lies in the letters involved and their pronunciation. Here are some examples of these differences:

1. Definition:

Al Ikhfa Ash Shafawi refers to the concealment of the letter Mim Sakinah when it is followed by the letter Ba. The pronunciation of the Mim Sakinah is hidden or muted, but it is not doubled. The sound produced is a combination of Izhhar and Idgham without doubling, with a nasal sound (ghunnah).

Al-Idgham Ash Shafawi refers to the merging of one specific letter into another letter. This occurs when the letter Mim Sakinah is preceded by a voiced letter Mim. In this case, the Mim Sakinah is merged into the voiced Mim, resulting in a new stressed sound of the letter Mim.

2. Letters involved: 

Al Ikhfa Ash Shafawi involves only one letter, which is the letter Ba (ب). When the Mim Sakinah is followed by a Ba, the Mim Sakinah is concealed.

Al-Idgham Ash Shafawi can occur with various letters, but it specifically involves the merging of the letter Mim Sakinah into the voiced Mim (م).

3. Pronunciation:

Al Ikhfa Ash Shafawi: The Mim Sakinah is pronounced with a characteristic sound between Izhhar (clear pronunciation) and Idgham (merging), without doubling the sound. It is pronounced with a nasal sound (ghunnah).

Al-Idgham Ash Shafawi: The Mim Sakinah is fully merged into the voiced Mim, creating a new stressed sound of the letter Mim.

4. Occurrence in words:

Al Ikhfa Ash Shafawi occurs when the letter Mim Sakinah is followed by a Ba. The Mim Sakinah is concealed in pronunciation, but it affects the rules of Tajweed when reciting the Quran.

Al-Idgham Ash Shafawi occurs when the letter Mim Sakinah is preceded by a voiced Mim. The Mim Sakinah is merged into the voiced Mim to form one new stressed sound of the letter Mim.

Start Your Journey Of Learning The Quran Online With Tajweed At Bayan Al-Quran Academy Today!

At Bayan Al-Quran Academy, we provide a unique opportunity to learn the Quran online with Tajweed for kids. Our academy is committed to offering comprehensive and interactive courses that enable students from all over the world to enhance their knowledge of Quranic recitation. 

Join Bayan Al-Quran Academy now and begin a transformative journey towards mastering Tajweed and gaining a deeper understanding of the Quran. Start learning at your own pace online and receive unparalleled guidance in accurately reciting this sacred text!

Learn More about how to learn Tajweed and the best tips for this.


Ikhfaa Shafawi is a significant concept in the study of Tajweed. It involves blending certain letters with a subtle nasal sound. 

By comprehending and applying Ikhfaa Shafawi, learners can improve their understanding and proficiency in Tajweed rules.

If you are interested in learning the Quran online with Tajweed, Bayan Al-Quran Academy offers comprehensive courses. Start your journey towards perfecting your Quranic recitation today!

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