Islamic Identity for Kids and How to Foster It Properly in Our Kids

Islamic Identity for Kids and How to Foster It Properly in Our Kids

To truly nurture an Islamic identity for kids, parents must weave together the rich threads of faith, culture, language, and community. It’s about more than just teaching the basics of Islam; it’s about embedding those teachings deep within their hearts. 

By immersing children in the beauty of Islamic culture, guiding them to speak and understand Arabic, and encouraging them to actively participate in their Muslim community, parents can help their children grow into proud, confident Muslims. 

Islamic identity for kids is about developing a strong bond with their religion and realizing its significance in their lives. It involves teaching kids about the essential principles and customs of Islam, instilling virtues like love, compassion, and respect in their souls, and making sure they implement what they have learned in their daily lives.

In this article, we will tackle the meaning of Islamic identity for kids and how to foster it, and practical methods to teach little kids about Islam. We will also discuss what Islamic values are for kids, what Islamic virtues are for kids, and how to instill these in those little souls.

What Is Islamic Identity for Kids and How to Foster It?

Islamic Identity for Kids is to feel and behave like a Muslim and to be proud of your religion and mother tongue. Islamic identity has so many components. We will tackle below four of them: Islamic teachings, Islamic culture, and Arabic language.

First – Islam teachings:

Every parent must instill in the soul of their kid the basic beliefs of Islam, from a very young age. These are the factors that define a person as a Muslim. These include:

1- Belief in Allah:

Help your kid(s) understand the concept of Allah as the only Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

2- Love and Respect for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

Teach your kid(s) about the character, life, and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a role model.

3- Five Pillars of Islam:

Explain the core practices of Islam in an age-appropriate way. These are the declaration of faith, prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage.

Second – Islamic Culture:

Parents must introduce their kids to the rich heritage of Islam. It is a wonderful way to foster a deep connection to their faith and culture. Here are some effective methods to do so:

1- Introducing Famous Muslim Figures:

Make your kid familiar with prominent Muslim figures; the most important of whom is of course Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Then, you can introduce famous Muslim figures like Abu Bakr, Omar Inb Al-Khatab, Ali Ibn Abi-Talib, Othman Ibn Afan, etc. 

Also, it is very important to tell your kid that other prophets of Allah who came before Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), like Adam, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, etc. (peace be upon them all) were also Muslims and had the same message of Islam [to submit to the will of Allah] to deliver to their respective people.

2- Introducing Prominent Muslim Scholars:

It is your role as a parent to make sure that your kid learns about prominent Muslim scholars in different fields of knowledge such as physics, biology, chemistry, Islamic astronomy, and philosophy, like Al-Khwarizmi, Ibn Al-Haytham, Al-Biruni, Al-Zahrawi, Ibn Nafis, etc. 

Your kid should be familiar with their lives and contributions to science and that their work laid the foundation for many modern scientific advancements.

3- Islamic Art and Architecture:

Introduce kids to the beauty of Islamic art and architecture through books, images, and visits to local mosques or museums.

4- Moral and Ethical Values:

Teaching kids about honesty, compassion, respect, and other virtues emphasized in Islam.

Third – Arabic language:

The Arabic language is so important for all Muslims. It makes them know and feel the meanings of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) firsthand. Here are some methods you can use to fulfill this important mission:

1- Learning Arabic:

Make sure that your kid learns Modern StandardArabic as their mother tongue, even if you live in a non-Arabic-speaking country.

2- Writing in Arabic:

Encourage your kid to write in Arabic, not in another foreign language, and not in Franko, which is a system of using the Latin alphabet to replace Arabic letters].

3- Phone Interface in Arabic:

Tell your kid to make their phone interface in Arabic, register contacts in Arabic, etc.

4- Using only Arabic when dealing with Arab People:  

Instruct your kid, as they grow up, even as a bilingual, to use Arabic exclusively when talking with Arab people, and to use their other language, if any, only when speaking to foreigners. That’s how a Muslim character, who is proud of his/her religion and language, is built.

5- Signing up for Arabic classes:

Even if your mother tongue is not Arabic, consider signing your kid to an Arabic class from a very young age. Many academies launch Arabic classes for kids such as online Arabic course for kids at Bayan Al-Quran academy. Your kid will thank you when they grow up with Arabic as their mother tongue.

Fourth, Community Involvement:

Encourage your kid to participate in the Muslim community to build a sense of belonging and support, through joining different activities that serve the Muslim community and draw him closer to its members.

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How to Teach Little Kids about Islam?

Teaching little kids about Islam can be both fun and educational. You need to know some practical ways to nurture Islamic identity in your kid’s soul. To name but a few:

1- Storytelling:

Kids love stories very much. You can share Islamic stories and tales to make learning fun and engaging for them. Use engaging stories from the Qur’an and Hadith to teach children about the prophets, important events, and moral lessons. Stories capture children’s attention and help them understand complex concepts in a simple way.

2- Role Modeling:

After talking about Islamic values and how important they are, demonstrate them to your kids through your own actions. Don’t say “Lying is Haram, don’t lie” and then lie in front of your kid. Be truthful whatever the consequences are. That’s how kids learn morality.

3- Open Communication:

As a parent, you must create a safe space for your kids to ask questions and share their thoughts about anything. Your role is to prepare good answers for them, not to stop them from asking. If you don’t know the answer, just tell them I will search and get back to you with the answer. Remember, all humans are born ignorant and then they acquire knowledge bit by bit.

4- Islamic Historical Sites:

Accompanying your kid(s), visit places with Islamic historical significance to connect them with the past.

5- Islamic Holidays:

Celebrate Islamic holidays with enthusiasm with your kids and family, and explain their historical and religious significance. For example, tell your kids about the historical background of the Al Adha Feast.

The story is about Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) who was willing to sacrifice his own son to fulfill the commandment of Allah, and that was a test for him, and by being willing to follow through with the commands of Allah, he passed the test and Allah sent down a sheep to replace his son, and we as Muslims who follow the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) are ordered by Allah to do the same every year, if we can). 

6- Islamic Crafts:

Engage your kids in creating Islamic-inspired crafts like lanterns, mosaics, or calligraphy projects. This kind of art will make them feel that Islam is not all about commandments and it has that fine artistic aspect. Your kids will be happy with this, especially if they have an artistic talent.

7- Visual Aids: 

Use colorful books, posters, and flashcards to teach kids about Islamic beliefs, practices, and values. Visual aids can make abstract concepts more tangible and easier to grasp.

8- Hands-On Activities: 

Engage kids with hands-on activities such as arts and crafts projects related to Islamic themes, cooking traditional Islamic dishes, or creating a family prayer schedule.

9- Interactive Lessons

Utilize interactive tools such as educational videos, apps, and games that focus on Islamic teachings. These resources make learning about Islam more dynamic and enjoyable for kids.

What Is Islamic Value for Kids?

Islamic values for kids are the core principles that guide Muslims in their lives. The Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are the sources of these. Kids who learn these principles grow up with strong morals, empathy, and a feeling of accountability. 

There are so many Islamic values that you must teach your kid(s) so that they become true Muslims as they grow up. These include: 

1- Honesty:

Telling the truth is a cornerstone in Islam. So you must encourage your kid to be truthful in words and actions. Do not tolerate lying.

2- Compassion and Kindness:

Being kind is a fundamental Islamic value. Teach your kid to be caring for others and share with those in need.

3- Respecting others:

Respect is a very important Islamic value that your kid needs to learn and practice. It helps us all build strong relationships and live peacefully together. So teach your kid that they must respect other people, especially the elderly.

4- Calling for and Implementing Justice:

Tell your kid that they must always treat everyone fairly, no matter who they are.

This is evident in the Quran:

“Whenever you speak, maintain justice—even regarding a close relative.”

“وَإِذَا قُلْتُمْ فَٱعْدِلُوا۟ وَلَوْ كَانَ ذَا قُرْبَىٰ”

(Quran, 6:152)

In this verse, Allah commands all Muslims to be just, even if what they say is not in the best interest of their own kin. This is very important to teach your kid from a very young age.

5- Fostering Cooperation:

Cooperation means working together as individuals. It is a very important value in Islam. Instruct your kid to work with their colleagues and friends as a team. Tell them that collective endeavors have better results and less effort than individual ones.

In this context, Allah says in the Quran:

“Cooperate with one another in goodness and righteousness, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression.”

“وَتَعَاوَنُوا۟ عَلَى ٱلْبِرِّ وَٱلتَّقْوَىٰ ۖ وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا۟ عَلَى ٱلْإِثْمِ وَٱلْعُدْوَٰنِ”

(Quran, 5:2)

Here, Allah commands all Muslims to cooperate in all good endeavors and refrain from taking part in all evil ones.

6- Generosity: 

Sharing with others and giving charity (Sadaqah) is highly encouraged. Kids are to be taught the importance of giving, whether it’s through money, time, or effort.

7- Forgiveness: 

Islam teaches the importance of forgiving others and letting go of grudges. Kids are encouraged to forgive those who wrong them and seek forgiveness for their own mistakes.

8- Humility: 

Being humble and modest is a valued trait in Islam. Kids are taught not to boast or look down on others and to always remember that all blessings come from Allah.

9- Respect for Nature: 

Islam emphasizes the importance of caring for the environment and all living creatures. Kids learn to respect nature, avoid wastefulness, and protect the earth.

10- Obedience to Parents: 

Listening to and respecting parents is a major Islamic value. Kids are taught to honor their parents and care for them, especially as they age.

What Are Islamic Virtues for Kids?

Muslims aim to exemplify Islamic virtues, also known as akhlaq (أخلاق), which are moral and ethical attributes. They come from the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Kids who are taught these virtues grow up with a strong moral character.

1- Politeness (Adab – الأدب):

Encourage your kid to use good manners and respectful language. Instruct them to say: “Thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”, or “I am sorry”. Islam highly appreciates Politeness.

2- Modesty (Haya – الحياء):

Both girls and boys should have modesty in Islam. Being modest has to do with behavior, body language, clothes, gestures, tone of voice, etc. All Muslims must avoid all kinds of immodesty and inappropriate behavior.

In this context, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

“Indecency does not leave anything untainted and decency does not leave anything ungraced.”

“‏ما كان الفحش في شيء إلا شانه، وما كان الحياء في شيء إلا زانه‏”.

(Riyad as-Salihin 1735)

In this hadith, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encourages all Muslims to have Haya (modesty), confirming that modesty adds to the beauty of any action you do, and that indecency makes any action you do ugly even if the action itself is good.

3- Diligence (Ihsan – الإحسان):

Ihsan as an Islamic term means working hard and striving for excellence. As a parent, you should teach your kids to always do their best to accomplish whatever they are asked to do. If they are students, they should strive to get the best scores. When they grow up, no matter what their future profession will be (i.e. a doctor, a doorman, a teacher, a plumber, etc., they must accomplish their duties to the best of their ability.

This is evident in the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said:

“Allah, blessed and exalted, has decreed that everything should be done in a good way…”

“إِنَّ اللَّهَ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى كَتَبَ الْإِحْسَانَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ…”

(Mishkat al-Masabih 4073)

In this hadith, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tells all Muslims to do their best to perfect their work, no matter what their work is.

4- Patience (Sabr – الصبر):

Patience is a super important virtue in Islam. Teach your kid to wait calmly when things are difficult or take longer than they want. Tell them that Allah loves those who are patient. Taking turns is a good method to use to train your kid to be patient and wait for their turn. Tell your kid that those who are patient are often seen as strong and wise, and more capable of facing the challenges of life.

5- Gratitude (Shukr – الشكر):

Teach your kid that being grateful helps us feel happier and more content. Tell them that Allah loves those who are grateful for what they have. Gratitude also entails being thankful to other people for any good deeds they do. So make sure that your kid always thanks those who serve them or are nice to them. Even when a waiter serves them dinner, instruct them to say to him this magical word: “Thank you”.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Islamic Identity

Maintaining an Islamic identity involves consistent practice and reinforcement of Islamic teachings and values. Here are some practical tips:

1- Daily Routine

Incorporate Islamic practices into the daily routine. Begin the day with a morning prayer, read a small portion of the Qur’an, and end the day with evening prayers.

2- Islamic Education

Enroll kids in Islamic schools or weekend classes where they can learn about Islam in a structured environment. Such programs blend modern education with Islamic teachings, can be particularly effective.

3- Family Involvement

Create a family environment that supports Islamic values. Have regular family discussions about Islamic teachings, celebrate Islamic holidays together, and perform charitable activities as a family.

4- Community Engagement

Get involved in the local Muslim community. Attend mosque events, participate in Islamic study groups, and encourage kids to make friends with other Muslim children.

5- Positive Reinforcement

Praise and reward children when they demonstrate Islamic values and virtues. Positive reinforcement helps to reinforce good behavior and build self-esteem.

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In conclusion, fostering an Islamic identity in children involves a holistic approach that integrates the core teachings of Islam, an appreciation for Islamic culture, proficiency in the Arabic language, and active participation in the Muslim community. By instilling these elements, parents can nurture a deep sense of pride in their religion and heritage within their children. 

Encouraging an understanding of Islamic beliefs, connecting them with the rich history and contributions of Muslim figures, promoting the use of Arabic, and engaging them in community activities are essential steps in building a strong and resilient Islamic identity. This foundation will empower children to grow into confident and committed Muslims who carry their faith and values with them throughout their lives.

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