What to Recite before Reading the Quran? A Complete Guide

What to Recite before Reading the Quran? A Complete Guide

The Dua Muslims recite before reading the Quran derive its significance from the reverence of the Quran itself. Muslims cannot do without the Holy Quran; it is the life of their hearts, the light of their eyes, and the guidance for their path. Everything in a Muslim’s life is connected to this great book. From it, they derive their beliefs, understand their worship, and know what pleases their Lord. It contains the guidance and instructions needed for morals and dealings.

Hence, this book is described as: “Surely, this Qur’ān guides to something that is most upright and gives glad tidings to the believers who do good deeds that ready for them there is a great reward.” (Surat Al-Isra: 9).

The purpose of this article is to explore whether there is a specific dua (supplication) that must be said before reciting the Holy Quran according to what is stated in the Quran and Sunnah

What to Recite before Reading the Quran:

Reciting specific prayers or supplications before reading the Quran is a common practice among Muslims to seek blessings, guidance, and protection. These supplications are intended to prepare the reader spiritually, purify their intentions, and seek Allah’s assistance in understanding and implementing the Quran’s teachings. 

This act underscores the reverence and respect Muslims hold for the Quran, acknowledging its divine origin and their dependence on Allah for true comprehension and benefit. The recitations typically include seeking refuge from Shaytan (Satan) and invoking Allah’s name for mercy and guidance.

However, there is no mention in the Quran and Sunnah, nor the reliable books of Hadith, nor the sayings of our noble scholars, of a specific dua (supplication) to be recited before reading the Holy Quran.

What is prescribed for a person is to seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan before reading. However, If a person makes dua at any time for ease in memorizing, understanding what they memorize, or for any good they desire without specifying a particular time for this supplication, there is no harm in this.

Dua before Reading the Quran in Arabic:

Here are some examples of supplications you can recite in Arabic before reciting or memorizing the Quran:

1- Dua for Ease in Memorizing, Reciting, and Reflecting on the Quran:

This supplication seeks Allah’s assistance in making the process of memorizing, reciting, and pondering over the Quran easier. It highlights the importance of engaging with the Quran in a comprehensive manner.

Arabic Text:

اللهمَ يسِر لي حفظَ القرآنِ وتلاوتهُ وتدبرهُ.


Allahumma yassir li hifdha al-Qur’ani wa tilawatihi wa tadaburihi.


O Allah, make it easy for me to memorize the Quran, recite it, and reflect upon it.

2- Dua for Mercy Through the Quran:

This supplication requests Allah’s mercy through the Quran, asking for it to be a source of guidance, light, and compassion in the supplicant’s life.

Arabic Text:

اللهم ارحمنى بالقرآن واجعله لى إماما ونورا وهدى ورحمة.


Allahumma irhamni bil-Qur’an waj‘alhu li imaman wa nooran wa hudan wa rahmatan.


O Allah, have mercy on me through the Quran and make it for me a leader, a light, a source of guidance, and a mercy.

3- Dua for the Quran to Bring Comfort and Relief:

This supplication asks Allah to make the Quran a source of joy for the heart, light for the chest, relief for worries, and a remover of sadness, and to grant the ability to recite it in a manner that pleases Him.

Arabic Text:

اللهم اجعل القرآن العظيم ربيع قلبي ونور صدري وجلاء همي وذهاب حزني، وارزقني تلاوته على الوجه الذي يرضيك عنّي.


Allahumma aj‘al al-Qur’an al-‘azeem rabee‘a qalbi wa noora sadri wa jala’a hammi wa dhahaba huzni, warzuqni tilawatahu ‘ala al-wajhi alladhi yurdheeka ‘anni.


O Allah, make the great Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my grief, and the dispeller of my anxiety. Grant me the ability to recite it in the manner that pleases You.

4- Dua for Blessings in Memorizing and Keeping the Quran Firm in the Heart:

This supplication asks for Allah’s favor and generosity in granting the ability to memorize the Quran, keep it firm in the heart, and to be able to act upon its teachings.

Arabic Text:

اللهم إنّي أسألك من فضلك ومن كرمك أن تتفضّل عليّ بحفظ القرآن وتكرمني بثباته في قلبي، وترزقني العمل.


Allahumma inni as’aluka min fadhlika wa min karamik an tatafaddal ‘alayya bihifdhi al-Qur’an wa tukrimuni bithabatihi fee qalbi, watarzuqni al-‘amal.


O Allah, I ask You for Your favor and generosity to bestow upon me the ability to memorize the Quran, honor me with its firmness in my heart, and grant me the ability to act upon it.

5- Dua for the Blessing of Memorizing, Reciting, and Implementing the Quran:

This supplication seeks Allah’s provision to memorize, recite, and act upon the Quran, emphasizing the importance of not just learning but also applying its teachings.

Arabic Text:

اللهم ارزقني حفظ القرآن وتلاوته والعمل به.


Allahumma arzuqni hifdha al-Qur’an wa tilawatahu wal-‘amal bihi.


O Allah, grant me the ability to memorize the Quran, recite it, and act upon it.

6- Dua to Be Among the People of the Quran:

This supplication expresses a desire to be included among the people of the Quran, those who are closely connected with it, honored by it, and guided by its teachings.

Arabic Text:

اللَهمَ اجعَلنا من أَهل القرآن.


Allahumma aj‘alna min ahl al-Qur’an.


O Allah, make us among the people of the Quran.

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Dua before Reading the Quran in English:

While traditional practice emphasizes reciting supplications in Arabic, especially for acts of worship directly related to the Quran, it is generally permissible to recite dua in one’s native language, including English, to seek Allah’s help and blessings. This can help those who are not proficient in Arabic to connect more deeply with their prayers and intentions.

Here is an example of a dua that can be recited in English before reading the Quran:

O Allah, make it easy for me to memorize, recite, and reflect upon the Quran. O Allah, have mercy on me through the Quran and make it a guide, a light, a source of guidance, and a mercy for me. O Allah, make the great Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my grief, and the dispeller of my anxiety. Grant me the ability to recite it in the manner that pleases You. O Allah, grant me the ability to memorize, recite, and act upon the Quran. O Allah, make us among the people of the Quran.

What to Say after Reciting the Quran:

It is authentically reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) that after he would recite the Quran, he would remain silent and not say anything. It is also established that when the Quran was recited to him, such as the recitation of Ibn Mas’ud, he would say, “Enough.”

1- The Expiation of the Gathering (Kaffārat al-Majlis):

Introduction: Known as the “Expiation of the Gathering” (Kaffārat al-Majlis), this supplication is recited to seek Allah’s forgiveness and blessings after reciting the Quran, both inside and outside of prayer. It is also recommended to say it after concluding a prayer.

Narration: Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) never sat in a gathering, nor recited the Quran, nor prayed a prayer, except that he would conclude it with these words.” She further explained: “I asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah, I see that you do not sit in a gathering, nor recite the Quran, nor pray a prayer, except that you conclude it with these words?’ The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: ‘Yes, whoever says something good, a seal is placed on it (i.e., his good deed is recorded) for him, and whoever says something evil, it will be an expiation for him:

Arabic Text:

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك، أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إليك.


Subhaanaka Allahumma wa bi hamdika, ashadu an laa ilaaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atoobu ilayk.


O Allah, You are free from every imperfection; praise be to You. I testify that there is no true god except You; I ask Your pardon and turn to You in repentance.

2- Expressing Gratitude: 

This supplication is made after completing the recitation of the Quran, expressing gratitude to Allah, seeking His acceptance of the recitation, and asking for the Quran to be a source of guidance, mercy, and intercession.

Arabic Text:

اللهم انفعنا بما قرأت وعلمنا ما جهلنا وزدنا علما وارزقنا تلاوته آناء الليل وأطراف النهار على الوجه الذي يرضيك عنا واجعل القرآن حجة لنا لا علينا


Allahumma anfa‘na bima qara’na wa ‘allimna ma jahilna wa zidna ‘ilman warzuqna tilawatahu anaa al-layli wa atrafa an-nahar ‘ala al-wajhi alladhi yurdheeka ‘anna, waj‘al al-Qur’an hujjatan lana la ‘alayna.


O Allah, benefit us with what we have recited, teach us what we are ignorant of, and increase us in knowledge. Grant us the ability to recite it throughout the hours of the night and the ends of the day in a manner that pleases You. Make the Quran an intercessor for us, not against us.

3- Dua for Gratitude and Guidance:

This dua expresses gratitude for being able to recite the Quran and seeks guidance to benefit from its teachings in all aspects of life.

Arabic Text:

اللهم لك الحمد على ما قرأت من كتابك العظيم، فاجعلنا من أهله واجعلنا من الذين يتدبرون آياته ويعملون بأوامره.


Allahumma laka al-hamd ‘ala ma qara’tu min kitabika al-‘azheem, faj‘alna min ahlih, waj‘alna min alladhina yatadabbaroona ayatihi wa ya‘maloon bi-awamirihi.


O Allah, all praise is for You for allowing me to recite from Your great Book. Make us among its people, and make us among those who ponder its verses and act upon its commands.

4- Dua for Acceptance and Mercy:

This supplication seeks Allah’s acceptance of the recitation and His mercy, asking for the Quran to be a source of intercession and benefit.

Arabic Text:

اللهم تقبل منا تلاوتنا، واجعلها شفيعة لنا يوم القيامة، وارزقنا العمل بها في حياتنا.


Allahumma taqabbal minna tilawatana, waj‘alha shafi‘atan lana yawma al-qiyamah, warzuqna al-‘amal biha fi hayatina.


O Allah, accept our recitation, make it an intercessor for us on the Day of Judgment, and grant us the ability to act upon it in our lives.

5- Dua for Enlightenment and Protection:

This dua asks Allah for enlightenment and protection through the Quran, ensuring its teachings serve as a guiding light and shield against harm.

Arabic Text:

اللهم اجعل القرآن لنا نورًا وهدىً، وحرزًا وأمانًا، ونجاةً ورحمةً، يا أرحم الراحمين.


Allahumma aj‘al al-Qur’an lana nooran wa hudan, wa hirzan wa aman, wa najatan wa rahmatan, ya arham ar-rahimeen.


O Allah, make the Quran a light and guidance for us, a protection and safety, a deliverance and mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

6- Dua for Firmness and Application:

This supplication seeks firmness in the heart for what has been recited and asks Allah for the ability to apply the Quran’s teachings consistently.

Arabic Text:

اللهم ثبت في قلوبنا ما قرأناه من القرآن، ووفقنا للعمل به في كل حين، وبلغنا مقاصده برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.


Allahumma thabbit fi quloobina ma qara’nahu min al-Qur’an, wa waffiqna lil-‘amal bihi fi kulli heen, wa ballighna maqasidahu bi-rahmatika ya arham ar-rahimeen.


O Allah, make firm in our hearts what we have recited from the Quran, grant us the ability to act upon it at all times, and help us achieve its objectives through Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

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It’s important to perform Dua before reading the Quran to seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan and to ask for Allah’s guidance and mercy. Performing Dua after reading Quran is also favorable. One can ask God to help them learn through what they have read and to follow its guidance in their lives.

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