Importance of Islamic Stories For Kids

Importance of Islamic Stories For Kids

Do you know how stories, especially Islamic stories, affect children? I would like to tell you a story first.

“Once upon a time, a child entered a beautiful garden. Whenever he passed a tree, he picked some of its fruits. Whenever he met a star, he was illuminated by its light. Whenever he met a flower, it bestowed its fragrance on him. Do you know the secret?

This garden is like the stories of the Qur’an. Whenever a person learns them, they bestow faith on him and add wisdom to him.

So as  the child grows, He becomes much better And converted into a very positive and intelligent Muslim after that!” 

This is a practical application of the impact of the “Once upon a time …” sentence!

It is one of the sentences that attracts the attention of both kids and adults.

Storytelling is a great way to convey a message easily and help the listener to absorb it perfectly.

When the story relates to Islamic principles or is quoted from the Holy Quran, the benefit is doubled, given the lofty values ​​and principles they contain.

How do you introduce Quran literature to kids?

Introducing Quranic literature to children requires a creative approach that is in line with their interests and ages.

  • The stories must be presented in simple and understandable language, appropriate to the level of understanding of the children. 
  • Illustrations and interactive activities can be used to encourage children to participate and understand.
  • Games, puzzles, and competitions based on Quranic stories can also be used to enhance understanding and comprehension.
  • Quranic stories must be connected to the child’s daily life so that he can understand their meanings.
  • Questions can be asked to the child during the storytelling and he can be encouraged to participate in the dialogue.
  • Changing the style, voice, and delivery method according to the events. 
  • Choosing the pauses well to attract the child’s attention and Introducing dialogue, repetition, and questions from time to time to increase interest, comprehension, and suspense.

Why are Islamic stories for children important for children?

“So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought” [7:176] Surat Al-A’raf

Stories are important for children because raising a child directly may have a momentary effect, but implicitly conveying Islamic values ​​and morals through stories will make raising a more enjoyable dimension for the child because he learns by imitation.

Therefore, the importance of reading Islamic stories for children, for example, is:

1- Building a balanced personality

A good story often contains conflicting events, your child will see the good side and with his sound nature will sympathize with him, and he will see the evil side and reject his position. This may push him to imitate the good hero with his good qualities and he will be careful not to resemble the qualities of the evil person in the story. 

Your child will learn to be dutiful to parents, maintain family ties, honesty, trustworthy, respect for elders, compassion for children, and other Islamic manners.

2- Developing the ability to express

Exposing the child to many words and sentences of diverse situations in different Islamic stories will help him master expressing himself and his personal opinion in various situations in a more eloquent way.

3- Strengthening Islamic identity

Islamic and Quranic stories reinforce the Islamic identity of the child, so he improves his trust in Allah, trusts in Allah’s wisdom, and grows up loving and belonging to Islam. Such beliefs will make him proud to be a Muslim!

4- Exposure to Quranic stories

If the stories created by humans from their imagination encourage children to have values ​​and morals, what about the real stories that happened to humans like us and that God Almighty tells us?! Therefore, the Qur’anic stories contain countless noble values, For example:

  • In the story of Ibraheem, peace be upon him, your child will learn that there is no obedience to a creature in disobedience to the Creator, and his certainty in God and his submission to Him will increase.
  • In the story of Musa, peace be upon him, he will see the consequences of patience and that a person may go through some events that carry evil on the surface and all the good is in their interior.
  • He will see how every prophet was patient with the harm of his people to deliver his message.
  • He will read the story of the people of the elephant and learn that God’s punishment will inevitably happen to those who disbelieve in Him.
  • The story of the people of the trench may urge him to reflect on our world now, as not all story endings are happy, but eternal happiness is in heaven and God does not waste the reward of believers.

How did the Quran influence literature and poetry for kids?

The Quran has profoundly influenced literature and poetry for children in several ways:

1- The poetic and Rhythmic Structure of the Quran has inspired many poets and writers to adopt similar styles in their works for children.

2-  The Quran uses suspense, dialogue, and direct imagery storytelling, which can captivate young readers and make them eager to learn more.

3- The Quran teaches children important historical and cultural accurate information.

4- The Quran provides moral lessons and ethical teachings, such as the importance of honesty, patience, kindness, and faith. 

ٍٍThree points must be taken into consideration before reading a story with your kid.

1- Read the story well before you read it to your child, as you do not know what the author wanted to hide between its lines.

2-Make sure to discuss it with your child after reading to make sure he listened to the story correctly.

3- Develop critical thinking skills through a joint activity between you and your child that creates a space of understanding between you, and also shows you a different side of his personality.

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The only way to keep your children safe is by making them seek to do good and turn away from evil. Therefore, taking the example of the righteous through entertaining stories for children is considered one of the most important and accurate things that children need, especially at this time when we need to verify every word the child receives before he forms false convictions.

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