Islamic Lessons for Kids With A Clear Plan and Test

Islamic Lessons for Kids With A Clear Plan and Test

Every parent should believe that they carry the responsibility of instilling the significance of religion in their children’s hearts and teaching them basic fundamental Islamic knowledge. Allah Almighty says: “Say, “Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death are all for Allah—Lord of all worlds.” (6:162). We will discuss here the Islamic studies lessons, the importance of Islamic studies online, the Islamic studies lesson plan for kids, Islamic studies test for kids.

Islamic Studies Lessons for Kids

Islamic studies are very important for kids. They teach kids how to take care of their three sides; body, mind and heart. They will learn according to their level of understanding the three objective sciences, the Quranic studies and Hadith sciences, Prophet’s biography and Islamic history.

1. Learning the three objective sciences

The religion is divided into three categories; Islam, Faith and Excellence. Through three objective sciences; Fiqh, ‘Aqedah and Tazkiah, every person can control his actions, ideas and feelings generated from his body, mind and heart respectively.

IslamFaithExcellence (Ihsan)
Cultivation Knowing Allah Almighty Self-purification

A. Fiqh

Fiqh is an understanding of the basic rules of Allah. This science is essential for daily practices. Through it, kids will learn what is important to perform worshipping acts and dealing with others.

1. how to perform the five pillars of Islam; prayer, fasting, obligatory alms and pilgrimage,  

2. the rulings of each human act, 

3. How to perform ablution (Wudu’), and

4. the rulings of transactions and the rulings organizing the relationships like business, inheritance and marriage.

B. ‘Aqedah

Kids will learn the six pillars of faith by affirming their faith in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Apostles, and believing in the Resurrection and the Divine Decree in all its entirety. They will also learn The Names of Allah Almighty, the essence of monotheism, the conviction in the resurrection after death and the Judgment.

C. Tazkiah

The following Prophetic Hadith sums up the main beliefs we can teach our kids to help them purify their hearts. You kids need to start their spiritual journey by teaching them how to connect with Allah Almighty through supplications and Dhikr following the Quran and Sunnah.

Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said:

‏”‏ كنت خلف النبي، صلى الله عليه وسلم، يوماً فقال‏:‏ ‏”‏ يا غلام إني أعلمك كلمات‏:‏ ‏”‏احفظ الله يحفظك، احفظ الله تجده تجاهك، إذا سألت فاسأل الله ، وإذا استعنت فاستعن بالله، واعلم‏:‏ أن الأمة لو اجتمعت على أن ينفعوك بشيء، لم ينفعوك إلا بشيء قد كتبه الله لك، وإن اجتمعوا على أن يضروك بشيء، لم يضروك بشيء إلا بشيء قد كتبه الله عليك؛ رفعت الأقلام، وجفت الصحف‏”‏

One day, I was riding behind the Prophet (ﷺ) when he said, “O boy! I will instruct you in some matters. Be watchful of Allah (Commandments of Allah), He will preserve you. Safeguard His Rights, He will be ever with you. If you beg, beg of Him Alone; and if you need assistance, supplicate to Allah Alone for help. And remember that if all the people gather to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except that which Allah had foreordained (for you); and if all of them gather to do harm to you, they will not be able to afflict you with anything other than that which Allah had pre-destined against you. The pens had been lifted and the ink had dried up”.

[At- Tirmidhi, who categorized it as Hadith Hasan Sahih]

2. Quranic Studies

To perform prayers properly, one should recite the Quran correctly. Your kid needs to learn about the history of Quranic documentation, interpretation (Tafseer) and Tajweed. Aysarultafaseer written by Abu Bakr Al-Jaza’iri and At-Tafseer Al-Muyassar are simple and easy books in Quranic interpretation. You can read and reflect on the Verses with your kids using these books. They can also learn about the Ten Qira’aat.

For example, the Noorani Qaida Course facilitates kids’ journey in learning the Arabic language as well as learning the Quran with tajweed. Your kid will learn the Alphabet, with its proper sound, forms, and pronunciation followed by some effective exercises through the 17 chapters of the Noorani Qaida book. This strategy is well-arranged and sequential with gradual and simplified steps.

3. Hadith Sciences 

Your kids need to understand the history of the Prophetic tradition. the meanings of the chain of transmission “Al sand” and the text “Al matn” and other terms. They need to learn the types and grades of Hadiths. Spiritually , your kid will live with the Prophet Muhammad’s statements and acts and memorize some Hadiths. Al-Arba’oun An-Nawawiah is a recommended book to begin the journey.

4. Prophet’s Biography

Every Muslim child need to know the story life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) from the birth to the death and the completion of his mission on earth. Your kid will learn the full name of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his nicknames and his life with his family. Your kid will live with his manners, teachings and commands to be their role model.

 You can divide the biography into three stages:

a. the era before the birth of the Prophet (ﷺ),

b.  the stage of Makkah, and

c. the stage of the Islamic society foundation in Madinah. 

5. Islamic History

Your kids need to learn about the golden ages and the ‏Islamic civilization! It starts from the beginning of creation until modern history. Through this study, your kid will build a strong sense of belonging to the Islamic world. This will positively reflect on their actions, descisions and beliefs. This can encourage them to follow in the footsteps of the great Muslim scholars and scientists to regain the renaissance.

Importance of Islamic Studies Online for Kids

Islamic studies online course for kids aims to support parents in raising their children by teaching them Islamic rulings and teachings. Islamic Studies course provides your kids with fundamental basic skills that help them not just in practicing Islam, but in all their life aspects. 

You can feel the importance of online Islamic courses for kids because of their organised schedules, flexibility, consistency and gradualism. Your kid can learn anywhere and anytime by joining online courses.

Islamic Studies Lesson Plan for Kids

You can provide a lesson plan according to the abilities of your kid. Gradualism is the key to learning any subject. This is a lesson plan for you to follow with your kid (3-5 y) but try to add your own touch. This lesson plan in Fiqh helps the student to learn how to pray by following easy and simple steps.

1. Learning how to perform ablution (Wudu’)

 Your kid can watch some videos and imitate them. You can sing a song about the steps of ablution to be memorizable for your kid. Google it to find more funny videos.

2. Counting the steps of prayer

You can draw the steps with your kid and let them paint them. This activity will help in memorizing the steps.

3. Highlighting the importance of Ka’bah for Muslims

You can use a compass to teach your kid how to know the direction of Qiblah. 

4. Learning about the prayer times

You can go for a picnic with your kid to teach them how to know prayer times through the sun and the shadow. 

5. Talking about the spiritual significance of prayers 

Your kid needs to know that his soul needs this connection with its Creator. You can meditate together to reflect on the greatness of Allah Almighty.

Islamic Studies Project for Kids

Islamic studies project for your kids help them build good relationships and learn how to develop good character traits through the assigned project for each group of students. Faith is a belief in one’s heart reflected through tongue and actions. Thus, what the kid is learning should be reflected in his life. Here are some examples of simple projects you can apply with your kids.

1. Prayer Mat Colouring

Your kids will enjoy personalizing their prayer mats by coloring them. You can buy a colouring prayer mats for them or design them from the scratch together.  This can motivate your kids to pray.

2. Ramadan Chart

You can use a free printable kit to download a Ramadan chart. This can motivate your kids to fast and perform other worshipping acts like praying Tarawih and reciting the Quran.

3. Memorization Tree

 A heart chart to encourage your kids to memorize Quran is a good idea. You can use a tree also or any other shape.

4.  Cut and Stick Activity

This activity is very funny. You can ask your kid to order Wudu Steps, order the full name of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and ordering the Prayer Steps through this activity.

5. Printing a Photo Frame

You can encourage young ladies to love the Hijab by placing their photos with the Hijab in a printed photo frame.

For more ideas you can visit the link here.

Islamic Studies Test for Kids

To prepare Islamic studies test for your kids, you can use interactive activities, quizzes, and simple explanations to make learning fun. You can use the classic way to test basic understanding in a straightforward manner such as multiple questions, true or false, Match the suitable and fill in the blank. You can also depend on some creative ideas such as:

1. Role Play 

You can compose a short play based on a Quranic story. Kids can act out different roles to live the events. They can discuss the moral lessons at the end of the play.

2. Scavenger Hunt

You can hide objects in a room or an outdoor area based on a stroy related to a lesson. Kids has to find objects and narrate the story. 

3. A game: Who Am I? 

Provide clues about a letter, character, or information, then ask the kids to guess who or what it is. For example, “I was sent with my brother to a tyrant king, Who am I?” [Answer: Our Prophet Mosa (Peace be upon him)] 

4. Story Completion 

Start a story about a Prophet or a famous scholar in Islamic histroy and ask the kids to complete the stroy and fill in missing parts. 

5. Pictionary 

Ask the kids to draw a word or phrase on paper while others guess what it is. 

Note: All these examples are designed to test your kids in a funny way. They can be adjusted based on your kids’ ages and abilities. 

I advise you to join Bayan Al-Quran. The team provides Islamic education to students all over the world and they can teach your kids basic Islamic knowledge. For more information, visit this link.

Learn the Quran Online With Bayan al-Quran Native Arab Tutors:

Embark on a transformative journey of Quranic learning with Bayan Al-Quran’s comprehensive online courses. Our platform offers an authentic and immersive experience tailored to learners worldwide. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking to enhance your skills, our Tajweed courses provide expert guidance and structured learning to master the art of Quranic recitation.


Bayan Al-Quran Academy is offering Islamic studies online for your kids. Islamic studies online course for kids aims to support parents in raising their children by teaching them Islamic rulings and teachings. Your kids will learn the three objective sciences according to their level of understanding. The Islamic studies lesson plan for kids can help you be organized and simple in teaching your kids their religion. Dividing the learning process into simple and clear steps is very important for the learner and the teacher. Finally, Islamic projects for kids encourage them to love learning while the tests help them apply the information they have acquired. We ask Allah to enlighten our minds, purify our hearts and increase us in good knowledge…Ameen.


Rehab Jamal Bakri

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