Duas for a Disobedient Child Supplications for Guidance, Obedience, and Protection

Duas for a Disobedient Child: Supplications for Guidance, Obedience, and Protection

Raising children is a journey filled with challenges, and at times, parents may find themselves struggling with a disobedient or stubborn child. In such moments, turning to Allah through heartfelt supplications (duas) can offer both solace and divine assistance.

This article explores six powerful duas specifically chosen for parents seeking guidance, protection, and obedience in their children. Whether you’re facing the difficulties of a disobedient or angry child, or you wish to nurture obedience and righteousness, these duas provide a spiritual foundation for addressing these challenges.

Reciting these supplications can help instill positive changes and bring your child closer to the path of righteousness.

These duas, including those for a disobedient child, a stubborn child, and a child prone to anger, are essential tools for parents striving to raise obedient and God-conscious children. Through consistent prayer, parents can seek Allah’s help in guiding their children toward a life of faith, obedience, and love for worship.

Dua for Disobedient Child

Raising children with the right values and guidance can be challenging, especially when faced with disobedient or rebellious behavior. For Muslim parents, turning to Allah through dua (supplication) is a powerful way to seek divine assistance in nurturing and guiding their children towards righteousness.

The following supplications help parents pray for their children’s obedience, protection, and connection to their faith, ensuring they grow up with the right values that please Allah and benefit them in this world and the Hereafter.

Here are six powerful duas for children to be obedient:

1. Supplication for Guidance and Righteousness for Children

This supplication is a heartfelt plea to Allah for the guidance of one’s children, asking for them to be led towards what pleases Him and benefits them both in this world and the Hereafter. The supplication emphasizes Allah’s attributes of being the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and the One worthy of praise and glorification.


اللهم إني أسألك بأن لك الحمد لا إله إلا أنت الحنان المنان بديع السماوات والأرض يا ذا الجلال والإكرام يا حي يا قيوم اللهم إني أسألك أن تهدي أبنائي لما تحب وترضى، وأن تردهم إلي وتعلمهم ما ينفعهم في الدنيا والآخرة إنك على ما تشاء قدير نعم المولى ونعم النصير وسلام على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين.


Allahumma inni as’aluka bi-anna laka al-hamd, la ilaha illa anta, al-hannan al-mannan, badi’ as-samawati wal-ardh, ya dhal-jalali wal-ikram, ya hayyu ya qayyum, Allahumma inni as’aluka an tahdi abna’i lima tuhibbu wa tarda, wa an turuddahum ilayya wa tu’allimuhum ma yanfa’uhum fid-dunya wal-akhirah, innaka ‘ala ma tasha’u qadeer, wa ni’ma al-mawla wa ni’ma an-naseer, wa salamun ‘ala al-mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alameen.


“O Allah, I ask You as all praise is due to You; there is no deity except You, the Most Compassionate, the Bestower, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. O Possessor of majesty and honor, O Ever-Living, O Sustainer, I ask You to guide my children to what You love and are pleased with, and to bring them back to me, and to teach them what will benefit them in this world and the Hereafter.

Indeed, you are capable of all things, and what an excellent Protector and Helper. Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds.”


This supplication acknowledges Allah’s supreme power and mercy, invoking His guidance for the children. It asks their hearts to be directed towards what pleases Allah, ensuring they grow with beneficial knowledge for this life and the Hereafter. It also reflects a parent’s deep desire for their children to be righteous and connected to Allah.

2. Supplication for Protection and Righteousness

This supplication asks Allah to make the children righteous guides, free from misguidance and the trials of this world. It seeks protection from all forms of evil and calamities, asking Allah to keep them safe from harm, both seen and unseen.


اللهم اجعل أبنائي هداة مهتدين غير ضالين ولا مضلين، اللهم جنبهم الفواحش والمحن والزلازل والفتن ما ظهر منها وما بطن، اللهم سلمهم من العلل والآفات، اللهم سلمهم من شر الأشرار آناء الليل وأطراف النهار واهدهم لما تحبه واغفر لهم يا غفار.


Allahumma aj’al abna’i hudatan muhtadeen ghayra daalleen wa la mudilleen, Allahumma jannibhum al-fawahish wal-mihan wal-zalazil wal-fitan ma dhahara minha wa ma batan, Allahumma sallimhum min al-‘ilal wal-afat, Allahumma sallimhum min shar al-ashrar ana’a al-layl wa ataraf an-nahar, wa ihdihim lima tuhibbu waghfir lahum ya ghafaar.


“O Allah, make my children righteous guides, not misguided nor leading others astray. O Allah, protect them from immoralities, trials, earthquakes, and tribulations, both apparent and hidden. O Allah, keep them safe from diseases and afflictions.

O Allah, protect them from the evil of the wicked, day and night, and guide them to what You love and forgive them, O Forgiving One.”


This supplication focuses on seeking protection for the children from all kinds of evils and trials, whether apparent or hidden. It also asks Allah to guide them towards righteousness, ensuring they lead and follow a path that aligns with divine guidance, free from misguidance and harm.

3. Supplication for the Preservation of Children’s Faith

This supplication is a request for Allah to preserve the children’s hearts in faith, ensuring they remain steadfast after being guided. It also asks for their well-being, long life in good health, and for their hearts to be filled with love for Allah, His Prophet, and all that brings them closer to Him.


اللهم لا تزغ قلوبهم بعد إذ هديتهم وهب لهم من لدنك رحمة وهيئ لهم من أمرهم رشدا. اللهم من علي ببقاء أولادي وبإصلاحهم لي وبإمتاعي بهم، اللهم امدد في أعمارهم بالصحة والعافية في طاعتك ورضاك، اللهم رب لي صغيرهم وقوي لي ضعيفهم، اللهم نزه قلوبهم عن التعلق بمن هم دونك وما هو دونك واجعلهم ممن تحبهم ويحبونك، اللهم ارزقهم حبك وحب نبيك محمد وحب كل من يحبك وحب كل 

عمل يقربهم إلى حبك.


Allahumma la tuzigh qulubahum ba’da idh hadaytahum wahab lahum min ladunka rahmah wa hayyi’ lahum min amrihim rashada. Allahumma munn ‘alayya bibaqa’i awladi wa biislahihim li wa bi-imtahi bihim, Allahumma amdid fi a’amarahum bil-sihhah wal-‘afiyah fi ta’atik wa ridhak, Allahumma rabb li saghirahum wa qaww li da’ifahum, Allahumma nazzih qulubahum ‘an al-ta’alluq biman hum doonak wa ma huwa doonak waj’alhum mimman tuhibbuhum wa yuhibbunak, Allahumma arzuqhum hubbaka wa hubba nabiyyika Muhammad wa hubba kulli man yuhibbuka wa hubba kulli ‘amalin yuqarribuhum ila hubbik.


“O Allah, do not let their hearts deviate after You have guided them, grant them mercy from Yourself, and guide them in their affairs rightly. O Allah, favor me with the continued existence of my children, with their reform for me, and with the joy of them.

O Allah, extend their lives with health and well-being in obedience to You and Your pleasure. O Allah, raise their young for me and strengthen their weak. O Allah, cleanse their hearts from attachment to anything less than You and anyone other than You. Make them among those whom You love and who love You.

O Allah, grant them Your love, the love of Your Prophet Muhammad, the love of everyone who loves You, and the love of every deed that brings them closer to Your love.”


This supplication seeks Allah’s mercy and guidance for the children, asking for their hearts to remain firm in faith and for them to be raised with righteousness. It also emphasizes the importance of loving Allah and His Messenger, asking Allah to fill their hearts with this love and to keep them from attachment to anything that distracts from His worship.

4. Supplication for Certainty, Sustenance, and Protection

This supplication is a comprehensive prayer for one’s children, asking Allah to strengthen their faith, provide them with sufficient and lawful sustenance, protect them from harm, and fulfill their righteous desires. It reflects a parent’s concern for their children’s well-being in both this life and the Hereafter.


اللهم ثبت لهم يقينهم وارزقهم حلالا يكفيهم، اللهم أبعد عنهم كل شيء يؤذيهم، ولا تحوجهم لطبيب يداويهم، اللهم استرهم على وجه الأرض، وارحمهم في بطن الأرض، واغفر لهم في يوم العرض عليك، اللهم أعطهم ما يتمنون وتحبه لهم وترضاه  


Allahumma thabbit lahum yaqeenahum warzuqhum halal an yakfeehum, Allahumma ab’id ‘anhum kulla shay’in yu’zeehim, wa la tuhwijhum li-tabeebin yudawihim, Allahumma asturhum ‘ala wajh al-ardh, warhamhum fi batn al-ardh, waghfir lahum fi yawm al-‘ardh ‘alayk, Allahumma a’tihim ma yatamannawn wa tuhibbuh lahum watardaah.  


“O Allah, strengthen their certainty and provide them with sufficient lawful sustenance. O Allah, keep away from them everything that harms them, and do not make them in need of a doctor to heal them.

O Allah, cover them on the face of the earth, have mercy on them in the belly of the earth, and forgive them on the day they are presented before You. O Allah, grant them what they wish for, and what You love for them, and are pleased with.”


This supplication is a powerful prayer that covers various aspects of a child’s life. It asks for strong faith, lawful sustenance, protection from harm, and success in both this world and the Hereafter.

It reflects the comprehensive care a parent seeks from Allah for their children, ensuring they are safe, content, and guided towards what is pleasing to Allah.

5. Supplication for Obedience, Guidance, and Love for Worship

This supplication is a heartfelt prayer asking Allah to grant one’s children obedience, righteousness, and a strong connection to their faith. It seeks divine help in raising and guiding them toward goodness, love for the mosque, and dedication to the Quran.


اللهم اجعلهم لي مطيعين غير عاصين ولا عاقين ولا خاطئين، اللهم أعني على تربيتهم وتأديبهم وبرهم واجعل ذلك خيرًا لي ولهم، اللهم علق قلوبهم بالمساجد وبطاعتك، واجعلهم من أوجه من توجه إليك وأحبك ورغب إليك. اللهم اجعلهم حفظة لكتابك ودعاة في سبيلك ومبلغين عن رسولك، اللهم اجعل القرآن العظيم ربيع قلوبهم وشفاء صدورهم ونورًا لأبصارهم.  


Allahumma aj’alhum li muti’een ghayra ‘aseen wa la ‘aqeen wa la khati’een, Allahumma a’inni ‘ala tarbiyatihim wa ta’adeebihim wa birrihim wa aj’al dhalika khayran li wa lahum, Allahumma ‘alliq quloobahum bil-masajid wa bita’atik, waj’alhum min awjah man tawajaha ilayk wa ahabbak wa raghaba ilayk. Allahumma aj’alhum hifazatan likitabik wa du’aatan fi sabilik wa muballighina ‘an rasoolik, Allahumma aj’al al-Qur’aan al-‘Azeem rabee’a quloobihim wa shifaa’a sudoorihim wa nooran li-absarihim.  


“O Allah, make them obedient to me, not disobedient, rebellious, or sinful. O Allah, help me in raising, disciplining, and being good to them, and make that good for both me and them. O Allah, attach their hearts to the mosques and Your obedience, and make them among those who turn to You, love You, and seek You.

O Allah, make them keepers of Your Book, callers to Your path, and conveyors of Your Messenger’s teachings. O Allah, make the Great Quran the spring of their hearts, a healing for their chests, and a light for their eyes.”


This supplication beautifully encapsulates a parent’s desire for their children to grow up as obedient, righteous individuals who are deeply connected to their faith. It highlights the importance of instilling love for the mosque, dedication to the Quran, and commitment to spreading the teachings of Islam.

6. Supplication for Guidance, Prayer, and Righteousness

This supplication focuses on seeking Allah’s guidance for one’s children, asking Him to keep them steadfast in prayer and on the path of obedience. It requests Allah’s pleasure, forgiveness, and improvement in their condition.


اللهم اهدِ أبنائي، وثبّتهم على الصلاة، وأقمهم في طريق الطاعة، اللهم اجعل أبنائي هُداةً مُهتدين، وارضَ عنهم، واغفر لهم، وأصلح حالهم. 


Allahumma ihdi abna’i, wathabbitihim ‘ala as-salat, wa aqimhum fi tareeq at-ta’ah, Allahumma aj’al abna’i hudatan muhtadeen, wa rda ‘anhum, waghfir lahum, wa aslih halahum.  


“O Allah, guide my children and make them steadfast in prayer, and keep them on the path of obedience. O Allah, make my children righteous guides, and be pleased with them, forgive them, and improve their condition.”


This supplication is a heartfelt plea for the guidance and steadfastness of one’s children. It seeks Allah’s support in ensuring they remain committed to prayer and righteousness and asks for Allah’s pleasure, forgiveness, and improvement in their lives.

Ultimately, these supplications serve as powerful reminders for parents to turn to Allah in seeking the best for their children. They not only seek guidance and protection but also emphasize the importance of raising children with a deep love and connection to their Creator.

Dua for Stubborn Child

These supplications are designed to seek Allah’s assistance in softening a stubborn child’s heart, guiding them towards righteousness, and protecting them from harm. They include prayers from the Quran as well as specific supplications for a child’s behavior and well-being.

1. Supplication for Parental Guidance and Righteous Offspring

This Quranic verse is a prayer for having righteous and pleasing offspring who bring joy and act as leaders for the pious.


رَبنا هب لنا من أزواجنا وذريّاتنا قرّة أعين واجعلنا للمتقين إمامًا. 


Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lil-muttaqeen imaman  


“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring the joy of our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”


This supplication seeks not only personal joy through righteous children but also aims to be a role model for the pious. It reflects a deep desire for one’s children to be a source of happiness and righteousness

2. Supplication for Establishing Prayer in the Family

This Quranic verse is a prayer for establishing regular prayers in one’s life and the life of one’s descendants.


رَبِّ اجْعَلْنِي مُقِيمَ الصَّلاةِ وَمِنْ ذُرِّيَّتِي رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَاءِ.  


Rabbi aj’ilni muqima as-salat wa min dhurriyyati Rabbana wa taqabbal du’a’i  


“My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and many from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my supplication.”


This supplication focuses on the importance of establishing prayer and includes a request for Allah to accept the prayer and extend it to one’s descendants. It underscores the desire for a family deeply rooted in prayer.

3. Supplication for Pure and Righteous Offspring

This verse is a prayer for having pure and good offspring, asking Allah to grant such a blessing.


رَبِّ هَبْ لِي مِنْ لَدُنْكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً إِنَّكَ سَمِيعُ الدُّعَاءِ.  

Transliteration: Rabbi hab li min ladunka dhurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka sami’ ad-du’a  

Translation: “My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearing of supplication.”


This supplication is a plea for good and righteous offspring, emphasizing Allah’s ability to grant such a blessing.

4. Supplication for Softening a Child’s Heart

This supplication seeks to soften the heart of a stubborn child and ensure they show kindness to their parents.


اللهم اشرح قلب ولدي، وارزقه بر والديه ومحبتهما. 

Transliteration: Allahumma ishrah qalb waladi, warzuqhu bir walidayhi wa mahabbatihima  

Translation: “O Allah, open my child’s heart and grant him the righteousness toward his parents and their love.”


This supplication focuses on improving a child’s behavior towards their parents, asking Allah to soften their heart and increase their kindness. 

5. Supplication for Protection from Harm

This supplication seeks protection for children from harm, including the influence of devils and negative energies.


 اللهم إني أُعيذ أولادي بكلمات الله التامة، من كل شيطان وهامة ومن كل عين لامة. 

Transliteration: Allahumma inni u’izu awladi bikalimatillahi at-tammat, min kulli shaytanin wahhamatin wa min kulli ‘aynin lammah  

Translation: “O Allah, I seek refuge for my children in the perfect words of Allah from every devil and harmful creature and from every evil eye.”


This supplication is used to seek Allah’s protection for children from any harm, whether physical or spiritual.

6. Supplication for Softening a Child’s Nature

This supplication asks Allah to soften a stubborn child’s nature and bring them towards righteousness.


اللهم ليّن قلب طفلي، وهبه رحمة من عندك يا وهاب.  

Transliteration: Allahumma layyin qalb tifli, wahbibhu rahmatan min ‘indika ya Wahhab  

Translation: “O Allah, soften my child’s heart and grant him mercy from Yourself, O Bestower.”


This supplication requests Allah’s assistance in softening a child’s stubborn nature and filling their heart with mercy.

7. Supplication for Righteousness and Joy in Children

This supplication asks Allah to make one’s child righteous and bring joy to their parents by guiding them to be obedient and dutiful.


اللهم رقّق طبائع ولدي، وافرحني برؤيته من المهديين والطائعين.  

Transliteration: Allahumma raqqiq taba’i waladi, wa afrahni bi ru’yatihi min al-mahdiyin wa at-ta’iin  

Translation: “O Allah, soften the nature of my child and make me happy by seeing him among the rightly guided and obedient.”


This supplication is a plea for a child to develop a gentle nature and be among the righteous. It also expresses the parent’s desire for joy in seeing their child follow the right path.

8. Supplication for Softening the Child’s Nature and Removing Anger

This supplication seeks to soften the stubborn nature of a child, asking Allah to remove anger and stubbornness from them.


اللهم إني استوعتك قلبه ولسانه، وجسمه وجوارحه ونبضه؛ فارزقه اللين فيهم، وأبعد عنه الغضب والعند يا الله.  

Transliteration: Allahumma inni ista’wajtuka qalbahu wa lisaanahu, wa jasadahu wa jawarihihi wa nabdahu; farzuqhu al-layyin fihim, wa ba’id ‘anhu al-ghadab wa al-‘ind ya Allah  

Translation: “O Allah, I entrust You with his heart, tongue, body, limbs, and pulse; grant him gentleness in these, and remove anger and stubbornness from him, O Allah.”


This supplication is aimed at addressing a child’s stubbornness and anger by asking Allah for gentleness and the removal of negative traits.

9. Supplication for Guidance and Provision

This supplication requests Allah’s guidance and provision for the child, asking for them to be a source of joy and guidance.


اللهم ارزق ولدي الهداية والصلاح، اللهم سخره لي واجعله قرة عيني. 

Transliteration: Allahumma ruzuq waladi al-hidaya wa as-salah, Allahumma sakhirhu li wa aj’ilhu qurrata ‘ayni  

Translation: “O Allah, grant my child guidance and righteousness. O Allah, make him devoted to me and the joy of my eyes.”


This supplication seeks Allah’s guidance and righteousness for a child, with the added request for the child to be a source of joy and contentment.

10. Supplication for Protection from Evil Influences

This supplication asks for protection from the influence of devils and harmful beings, both seen and unseen.


اللهم إني أسألك أن تعيذ ولدي من همزات الشياطين، اللهم سلمه من شر الأشرار من الإنس والجان، آناء الليل وأطراف النهار.


Allahumma inni as’aluka an tu’iz waladi min hamazat ash-shayatin, Allahumma salimhu min shar al-ashrar min al-ins wa al-jinn, anaa’ al-layl wa atraf an-nahar


“O Allah, I ask You to protect my child from the whispers of the devils. O Allah, keep him safe from the evil of the wicked among humans and jinn, during the night and at the edges of the day.”


This supplication is intended to safeguard children from any evil or harm, requesting Allah’s protection against all forms of negative influences.

Overall, these supplications are designed to address various aspects of raising and guiding a stubborn child, from improving their behavior to seeking protection and guidance.

Dua for Angry Child

When dealing with an angry child, parents often seek divine help to soothe their child’s emotions and guide them toward calmness and righteousness. Islamic supplications (duas) offer powerful means of invoking Allah’s protection and healing, ensuring that children are shielded from harm and nurtured in tranquility.

Below are some key supplications that can be recited for an angry child:

1. Supplication for Healing from Harm and Envy

This supplication seeks protection and healing for a child from any harm or negative influence. It invokes Allah’s names and attributes to safeguard the child from harmful entities and negative energies.


(بسم اللهِ أرقيك، من كل شيء يؤذيك، من شر كل نفسٍ أو عين حاسدٍ، الله يشفيك).  


(Bismillah aruqeek, min kulli shay’in yu’zeek, min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘ayn hasidin, Allah yashfeek)  

Translation: “In the name of Allah, I recite over you, from everything that harms you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye, Allah heals you.”


This supplication is used to invoke Allah’s protection and healing for a child affected by harm or envy. It is a comprehensive prayer seeking safety and recovery from any negative influences.

2. Supplication for Divine Protection

This supplication requests Allah’s protection from anything harmful on earth and in the sky, emphasizing His all-encompassing knowledge and power.


(بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم).  


(Bismillah alladhi la yadurru ma’ ismihi shay’un fi al-ardh wa la fi as-sama’ wa huwa as-sami’ al-‘aleem)  


“In the name of Allah with whose name nothing on earth or in the sky can harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”


This supplication is powerful for seeking protection and divine care, ensuring that nothing harmful can affect the child. It highlights Allah’s attributes as the All-Hearing and All-Knowing.

3. Supplication for Protection from Negative Influences

This supplication seeks refuge in Allah’s complete words from all evil, including harmful creatures and envious eyes.


(أعوذ بكلمات الله التامة، من كل شيطان وهامة، ومن كل عين لامّة).  


(A’udhu bi kalimatillah at-tammat, min kulli shaytan wa hamm, wa min kulli ‘ayn lammah)  


“I seek refuge in the complete words of Allah from every devil, poisonous creature, and every envious eye.”


This prayer seeks protection from harmful influences, including evil entities and envious individuals. It is ideal for ensuring the child is shielded from any negative effects.

4. Supplication for Calm and Peace

This supplication asks Allah to grant a child tranquility, safety, and peace of mind, addressing their emotional well-being.


اللهمّ ارزق طفلي الهدوء والسكينة، واجعله مرتاحاً آمناً مُطمئناً. 


Allahumma ruzuq tifli al-hudoo’ wa as-sakina, waj’alhu murtaahan aminaan mutma’inaan  


“O Allah, grant my child calmness and tranquility, and make him comfortable, safe, and at ease.”


This supplication is specifically for seeking inner peace and emotional comfort for a child. It helps in addressing issues related to anger or anxiety.

5. Supplication for Guidance and Softness

This supplication requests Allah to guide the child, making them gentle and righteous, and to grant them a peaceful and contented state.


اللهم اهد طفلي يا هادي واجعله من الهداة المهديين. اللهم أصلح ابني واجعله من الهينين اللينين. اللهم اجعل طفلي هادئ النفس مرتاح البال.  


Allahumma ihdi tifli ya Hadi wa aj’ilhu min al-hudaa’ al-mahdiyeen. Allahumma aslih ibni wa aj’ilhu min al-hayyin al-layyin. Allahumma aj’il tifli haadi’ an-nafs murtaah al-baal  


“O Allah, guide my child, O Guide, and make him among those who are guided. O Allah, make my son righteous and among those who are gentle and kind. O Allah, make my child calm and at peace.”


This supplication seeks divine guidance for the child, aiming for them to be gentle, kind, and peaceful. It addresses behavioral improvements and emotional stability.

Ultimately, these supplications offer a range of prayers for addressing various aspects of an angry child’s needs, from seeking protection and healing to asking for calmness and guidance. Using these duas regularly can help in nurturing a child’s emotional well-being and spiritual growth.


In the journey of parenting, dua plays a crucial role in guiding children towards righteousness and obedience. The supplications highlighted in this article, such as the dua for disobedient child, dua for stubborn child, dua for Angry Child, and dua for children to be obedient, offer parents a powerful means to seek Allah’s help in overcoming challenges.

By regularly reciting these duas with sincere faith, parents can nurture their children’s hearts, instilling strong moral and spiritual values. Trust in Allah’s guidance and your efforts will lead to children who are not only obedient but also spiritually grounded.

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